Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Jews who Look up in the Afterlife

We live in a banana republic. On the plus side it's gonna be lit AF when the GOP congress impeaches Joe next year and the DeSantis Administration indicts Hillary in 2025. Our friend William Katz has the measure of things. If you wondered how those 87,000 IRS agents are going to operate, now you know.

Oh, Trump won.

The Times of Israel reports: 'Polls taken today after three days of conflict with the Islamic Jihad in Gaza indicate that the Israeli public thinks that Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz did a good job, but the support is not translating into a bump in the polls for them.' 

Same old deadlock. If Netanyahu stepped aside, we think Avigdor Lieberman and his six Knesset Members would caucus with the right for a 65-55 majority. But Bibi's gonna Bibi. Ironically the 6 seat Arab List are the swing party. If you don't think that's hilarious...Here's a poll breakdown: 'Channel 12 foresees Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud getting 34 seats and Lapid’s Yesh Atid with 24 seats. Gantz’s Blue and White gets 12; Religious Zionism 10; Shas 8; United Torah Judaism 7; Joint List 6; Ra’am 5; Labor 5; Yisrael Beytenu 5 and Meretz 4.' Labor polls with the Arab Joint list and Ra'aam, which is even more hilarious. Wonder what the late Labor leader Shimon Peres thinks about that when he looks up and sees what's become of Labor. 

Overall the Israeli Public favors Likud followed by center, center and then three religious right parties, two Arabs parties and then Labor. Between Labor and Meretz, which is composed of the kind of people who would have run Norway for Hitler, the Israeli left gets 11 seats in the Knesset. The Israeli left is tied with the Israeli Arabs. This blog respects the Israeli Arab parties.

Wrapping up Operation Breaking Dawn, it's hard to disagree with Joel Pollack's assessment at Breitbart. Exit question, has Israel developed a new comms intel capability? Look at the way the Israelis took out PIJ's leadership. You know what the Imams say. 

Okay....we took the pontoon boat out yesterday went swimming, went for a tour around the lake without incident. We checked this morning and she hasn't floated away. 

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