Wednesday, August 10, 2022

MAGA Rising?

Reader(s) of this blog know we've slowly moved over to the DeSantis camp. But like a lot of Trump/MAGA types who concluded it was best to move on, maybe were wrong. Maybe the regime needs to have a third Trump election victory inflicted upon it - for starters. We must dwell upon this.

Count us unimpressed with the GOP leadership reaction. They're gonna hold hearings. We keep a laugh track button by our side for statements like that. Whatever, man. 

If you think this raid was about classified documents, then can I interest you in some Arkansas real estate?

Reminder: Trump won. 

In Israel, Likud is having its primary today. Polls show Likud is still the largest and strongest party in the country. Likud has been in that position for a decade now, and Bibi has an iron grip on the party. What explains Likud's resiliency?

We haven't been following the Tory leadership race. Who cares? They'll probably get destroyed in the next election, still a few years off. Good. A dozen years of Tory rule and nothing to show for it. Wankers.

World War 1990: The Weser has 27 reviews at 4.7 stars. As we've remarked before, we are among the very best at what we do. Sales are very solid and slowly growing, but the book still hasn't exploded and his lurking about the top 50 in its Amazon category. Give it time. 

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