Monday, August 8, 2022

She Brings the Rain

Yes, we're posting in the afternoon, Stroock's Books readership.

We just had a mold remediation specialist look at the basement and let's just say he kept finding mold. We're not enthused or optimistic. We gonna make it rain...

Yesterday we took the boat out...and got rained on. She really doesn't want us to have a boat. Never mess with a southern woman. Even a dead one.  At this point I don't want to go out on the lake ever again.

We've been reading The New American Order all morning. Lots of stuff to work on and fix. This is a good sign.  Lots of, 'What the fuck are we supposed to do with all these refugees?' and 'What do we do with these empty houses?' or, 'How do we get squatters out of here without causing a riot?'  and, 'Can't we send these DC refugees back to DC?...what DC?'

Israeli media seems to think Prime Minister Lapid comes out the big winner after the three-day war with Islamic Jihad. The Israelis decapitated Islamic Jihad without suffering damage in return. A huge victory.* We're inclined to agree. Can this help him in the next election? We hope so. We beg Israel to elect a center-right government that hates Iran and the Haredi with equal intensity. 

Monday we watched this the other day:

You know, Woodstock '94 managed to recapture some of the original spirit of '69. We knew people who went. Our sisters in law went to Woodstock '99 and...came back with stories. Different crowd, different time, man. The Boomer organizers, lead by original Woodstock guru Michael Lang, didn't understand times had changed. You've got a crowd of late era Gen-Xrs and early Millennials raised on Nu Metal. Of course it's going to be angry. At least Woodstock '99 killed off the Woodstock movement.  Michael Lang comes off as a total creep. 

*Only a moron would think the Israelis should take out Hamas in Gaza. How would that work? Occupy Gaza get Fallujah on the Med. Beirut in '82 was bad enough. And remember, I'm not one of those ninnies who thinks Operation Peace for Galilee was a tragedy. If you don't understand Operation Peace for Galilee was a tremendous victory for the Israelis, you don't understand military affairs or history and should find something else to follow, women's soccer maybe. Pro-tip: never occupy an Arab city. Anyway, no thank you. Keep Gaza Gazan.  

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