Friday, August 5, 2022

New Jersey News Whip Around

There's a story at, behind the paywall so we aren't linking, about efforts to mitigate the teacher shortage in New Jersey. We applied to become a licensed teacher in NJ waaaay back in 2006. Took them a year to tell us no. They never gave a reason.* The certification process is prohibitively complex and a barrier to entry. Which is the way the unions like it. 

We have been a sub, a full timer at a private school, and a college prof. Teaching presents unique challenges, but it ain't rocket science. This blog has no idea what goes on in ed programs. This blog has no idea how one teaches teaching. When we were at a private school, they threw us in the classroom and said, 'Figure it out, boss.' And so we did. 

Some [Who?-Ed] have proposed relaxing teacher certification rules. There's a real shortage here. If anyone is wondering, not on your life. Everything reader(s) think about teachers and teaching is true. Sit around the teachers' lounge for a few years listening to these people and you too will come to loath them. 

According to Newsweek the average annual teacher's salary in New Jersey is $76,376. Not bad for having a week off at the end of the year, a week off in spring and 10 weeks off in the summer. Whenever we point this out teachers reply, 'We don't get paid in the summer.' To which we reply, 'Yeah, that's right. You don't work you don't get paid.' [Troll-Ed] Whatever.

The Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China infection rate has dropped below 1 again. 

We're in the midst of a heat wave and are expecting a huge thunderstorm this afternoon. Good, New Jersey needs the rain. We haven't had to mow out lawn in a month. Which is fine. 

*This worked out for the best in the long run. The job would have consumed us. 

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