Saturday, August 6, 2022

Saturday Updates

We hit publish yesterday morning without realizing the Israelis were whacking Islamic Jihad around the Gaza Strip. Debka File has a writeup. So far it's the same old story: Israeli air strikes, enemy rocket barrages, and Iron Dome. Where's the Israeli's new laser, Iron Beam? 

Operation Breaking Dawn, the Israelis call it. We wonder if Breaking Dawn has a Hebrew meaning we don't know about. Otherwise, we shrug at the name's lack of an Old Testament vibe. Why not Operation Gamora, Operation Solomon, Operation 11th Plague, or some such? 

The Israelis should execute some sort of small and limited ground op, just to show that they are able and willing to do so.

Here's some cool Iron Dome footage.

We had a great week at the gym, two hour runs, two machine sessions. 

We're really trying to avoid talking about politics here at Stroock's Books. We don't want to spend another autumn breaking down polls. We will say that this idea that the Republicans are blowing it is crap. It's summer, people aren't paying attention to politics. Dems aren't salvaging anything while Joe is sub-40 in the RCP poll of polls. We never believed the Red Wedding theory of this campaign. There just isn't that kind of room for the GOP to grow. In the end GOP will take the house, and we think gravity and momentum will carry weak candidates like Herschel Walker to victory and a GOP senate. 

Reminder: Trump won. 

The things.

No ju-ju on our writing side-gigs. What's up with that?

World War 1990: The Weser is taking off and had its best sales day yesterday. Twelve reviews 4.5 + stars. It's not like the next 12 reviewers are going to hate it. That's not how it works. World War 1990: The Weser is a hit. 

We had a solid week with the New American Order. We really flesh out our refugee/town chapter and are adding a subplot about American refugees in Canada and French separatists (bastards). If anyone has a refugee problem idea, we'd like to hear it. 

We looked over the sovereignty chapter. It's the longest chapter at 25,000 + words, and that's without a proper ending. This chapter is the heart of The New American Order. 

The MS is 48,000 words. 

One of our beta readers beta read The Great Salvation of 1976 and pronounced things are fine. 

A reader accidentally suggested The Great Salvation of 1976 be renamed The Aftermath of 1976. Hmmmm....

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