Sunday, August 7, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 8/7/22

Good Sunday morn, Stroock's Books Collective.

We have returned to the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction, where 2/3rds of the Stroocklettes will be attending a summer camp this week.  Our house is out of view, but way over on the right. The camp was bought by an Israeli company last year. You know what the imams say. 

Through extraordinary means a new boat has been acquired. [Passive voice-Ed]. This one's a pontoon boat, which is what we wanted in the first place. We'll name this craft Waterproof Too, in a desperate effort to placate the ghost of our Nachez born, Waterproof raised grandmother. We think of the boat and feal nothing but great fear and trepidation. 

More people will be coming this week to talk about mold remediation...!&@$.


The Israelis are still whacking around 'Palestinian'* Islamic Jihad. We're almost bored. On twitter we quipped that the name Operation Breaking Down lacked an Old Testament vibe. Someone in Israel, snarkily apologized for not consulting us first. We accepted their apology.

This senate BBB bill sucks, though we can think of a few things we like. Just remember the Dems originally wanted something about ten times bigger. Not exaggerating. The bill still sucks. Eighty-seven thousand IRS agents, 87,000.


World War 1990: The Weser had its best sales day yet and cracked the top 50 in rankings. The Great Nuclear War of 1975 remains in the top 50.

We have no good ideas for the week of 8/7/22.

Well, yes we do. We'll spend this week going over the refugees resettlement chapter in TNAO. That really ought to flesh things out.

*Reminder, there is no such thing as a 'Palestinian', just a disparate collection of Arab tribes. That word is actually a social construct invented by Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Avoid it. Use Gazan and West Bank Person instead. 

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