Thursday, September 22, 2022

From Russia to Iran, Protestors can

Mrs. Stroock is gone...back is bothering are getting each other sick with a 24 hour crud...The Barents Sea chapter is whooping me...baaaaaah!

Protestors in Iran, protestors in Russia. The media will glorify these protestors and try to spin them into a resistance narrative. So far this century both the Russian and Iranian regimes have been resilient. We're skeptical anything will come from these protests. Remember Hong Kong? How did that work out?

We see more madmen with Ukrainian flags in their bio glorifying nuclear war on Twitter. Madness, madness. Would Putin really use nuclear weapons? Does anyone trust western leadership to handle such a crisis? The only winning move is not to play, said a smart computer 40 years ago. Imagine if the west said last winter, 'We don't ask Ukraine to join NATO, you don't invade Ukraine.' Alas the globalist will have her war.

What Will's Watching: Andor, episode one. We didn't care about Andor until we heard some of the positive buzz. Andor is...surprisingly good. Felt like a drama.  The Mandalorian is basically a well done kid's adventure. Boba Fett and Obi Wan are horrible, badly written knockoffs. Andor was written for grownups. We are...surprised. 3/4

Via The Daily Caller: 'Google, PayPal and Venmo shut down accounts affiliated with Gays Against Groomers, a Twitter account that is critical of gender ideology, particularly in regard to children.' Welcome to the club. My colleagues at Inforos got nuked off of PayPal last year, and FB the year before that. Frankly, we're stunned PayPal hasn't nuked us. 

Monday Metal (emergency post) The Answer has posted a snippet of their latest single, coming in 2023. My boys:

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