Friday, September 23, 2022

Vote Russia 2022!

Autumnal weather has finally arrived. It's cool and windy this morning and we needed our windbreaker for the first time since LBI. It still smelled like the beach. Which was weird.

This morning we're still a plague house, much to our annoyance. Our back is bothering us a bit, still, and we just haven't been able to get to the gym - time constraints ain't helping. We did make a nice tomato and basil BBQ chicken last night enjoyed by the girls. Mrs. Stroock returns this afternoon.

Mark Steyn has the long, sad story about Hindu/Muslim riots in...Leicester, over a cricket match. Cricket. Nerd baseball. Wuss baseball. Read the whole depressing piece with links to a naughty site, by which we mean VDare. We see kids playing cricket in our neighborhood. We know there are Muslims here, we see women in headscarves every once in a while. Still, it's hard to imagine a riot breaking out. Maybe we're not imagining hard enough. 

The 'vote' on Russian annexation of conquered Ukrainian territory is taking place today. We're sure the process will be as fair as the vote counting in Philadelphia or Atlanta. Exactly as fair. Last night Instapundit linked to an article about nuclear war fighting. Alert reader(s) will see the article is at Commentary. Ah, the necro...I mean Neocons. 'Unpalatable as it is, the world may be forced to dust off the old Cold War-era playbooks that kept everyone’s missiles peacefully interred in their silos,' claims author Noah Rothman. Is that so? JFC, is Donbass really worth all this?

Hot Air notes that four polls in a row show Republican Adam Laxalt leading incumbent Catherine Cortes Masto in the Nevada senate race. Also, Oz is tied with Lurch in Pennsylvania*, and Walker is inching ahead of the Jew hater Warnock in Georgia. Gravity is asserting itself. Long time reader(s) may recall this blog's chronicling of the Tennessee senate race in 2018. Polling started with the Dem in the lead or tied. Gradually the GOP pulled ahead. We are seeing a similar effect here.

Via the New Jersey Monitor: 'Gov. Phil Murphy has conditionally vetoed a broadly bipartisan measure that would eliminate a requirement that teaching candidates complete a performance-based assessment widely loathed by educators.' It's really hard to become a teacher and New Jersey has a teacher shortage. It's almost as if...We were rejected way back in 2006. The bastards never said why. It was for the best. 

*Lurch, Shrek, him what you will but Fetterman is a freakshow. Are we being unsympathetic to the man's medical condition? You're goddam right we are. A senate race isn't post-stroke therapy. We already have a non-compos mentis in the White House. Again, pundits really thought Oz wouldn't be able to connect with voters by campaigning, meeting, and talking. A daytime TV maestro wouldn't be able to do that? Really? You're paid a lot of money to talk about politics and....ahhhh, never mind. 

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