Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Putin is Looking for the Nuclear Wessels

Putin is mobilizing Russia, partially. Zerohedge has details. Puitn's announcement is an admission of failure* but also intent. Whatever partially means, the war will go on. As this blog has said before, the Yugoslavian war is our template for the Ukraine war. Pierre and Fritz may be best friends now, but the Slav holds onto his grudges and doesn't think about casualties the way we do in the west.  We'll see who can last the winter, Europe or Russia. 

We've heard a lot of talk today about Putin's veiled nuclear threat. Okay. Some fools on Twitter were talking about the West retaliating. Who's going to do that? What Englishman is willing to sacrifice London for Kiev? What American will sacrifice New York? Okay, William Kristol would. But he's a disgraced disgrace. No, no nukes for Ukraine. We won't die for Donetsk. [You will be called a Russian colluder-Ed] Sorry, luv. I stand by not wanting a nuclear war, good ground to stand upon indeed. 

The Times of Israel reports. 'The Israeli Navy conducted a successful test of the latest generation of anti-ship missiles last month, the military and Defense Ministry announced Wednesday.' With Israeli exploiting its massive offshore natural gas fields, naval affairs take on new importance.  We bet the Israeli navy has some really cool underwater tech they're not telling anybody about. You know what the imams say about the Jews. 

Right now, there are protests in Iran. We're not excited. We've seen protests in Iran before. The last round of protests in the Muslim world happened during the so-called Arab Spring of 2011. Sclerotic, kleptocracies were replaced by vibrant Islamic governments. How did that work out for Cairo? [It led to a military coup-Ed] Quite right, Ed. 

Right now The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is #24 in its Amazon category, while World War 1990: The Weser is #9. I am among the best there is, at what I do.  What accounts for the sales surge? I shrug in the most Mediterranean way possible. 

They say Andor ain't bad. We'll take in a few episodes tonight and report. 

*But not too much failure. The Ruskis still hold large swaths of Ukrainian territory. 

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