Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday on a New Year

Evening Rosh Hashanah services last night, morning services today. Shona Tova, Stroock's Books Kibbutzim. Also, you're welcome, gentiles who have the day off. 

Our left ankle and shin are bothering us, we've no idea why. It's not gout. Remember the gout rule. If you have to ask if it's gout, it's gout.

First Hungary, then Sweden, now Italy. The 'far right' is winning in Europe. A trend? We think we have a trend. If not a trend, then a thing. We talked to this blog's man on the ground in Italy, no rightist, and he's not too worried, shrugging off Meloni's victory with a Mediterranean eh, saying, 'Not my victory but not terrified either.'

Five polls showing the generic congressional ballot: 

As we have said all along, as summer turned into Autumn the polls would gradually favor the GOPs. Just like with our Tennessee test case in 2018. Click this and believe. Circumstances, ideas, candidates. Who has em? Not the Dems. We never believed the Red Wedding talk, but Red Wave? Here it comes. 

The only question remaining in fraud. Frankly, we wonder if senate control will be settled on election night. In 2020 the Dems needed five days to manufacture the votes necessary to steal the election for Joe. 

In Russia, we see thousands of men fleeing the country. But how many more thousands get their call ups shrug, and simply report for duty? Many more. Supposition: the mobilization is a political move, designed to give Putin leverage at the negotiating table. Meanwhile, Eurocrats in Brussels are warning about a turnip winter while Ukraine enthusiasts in America are going the full Hessler and declaring, 'The war will go on. And on and on...'

Pointless nostalgia. It was 20 years ago right about now that we figured out we could jog. It was a revelation partially brought about by finishing up our BA the previous spring. What else could we do? Ahh...those cool autumn morns jogging two miles through bucolic Peapack, New Jersey...past the park, left at the thrift shop, across the bridge, finishing up at the church.

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