Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Giants Suck, and Other Sports Observations

What Will's Watching: we caught a quarter of the Giants/Cowboys game last night. The Giants lost, of course. Quarterback Daniel Jones was running for his life all night. Typical. We can't remember the last time the Giants won a Sunday or Monday night game. We're talking at least a decade here folks. They've stunk for that decade. This is the first period of sustained Giants suckitude since the 1970s and there's no end in sight. We miss 'Omaha! Omaha!'* We're so glad we've emotionally divested ourselves of the Giants. 

Also the Yankees. Our interest there began to fade after their last World Series in 2009. By 2012 we couldn't stay focused on their playoff games. When Derek Jeter broke his ankle, we shrugged indifferently.  Oh well. We've paid attention to Aaron Judge's quest for 60 homers this year, but that's all. 

The Mets are having a far more interesting season than the Yankees and are on pace to win a hundred games. The Mets haven't done that since 1988. Actually, this year's is the most talented Mets team since at the 1988 Mets, and maybe even the 1986 Mets, the last Mets team to win the World Series. Certainly this is the Mets best starting pitching staff since the glory days of Doc, Darling, Ojeda, etc...yes we are well aware we are rambling like some Boomer in 1988 talking about Mickey Mantle's Yankees. Knowing is the first step to recovery. 

Watching an NFL game these days we're disgusted. Football is little more than a sports gambling vehicle now. We see ad after ad promising lots of play, fun and wins. Aside from an occasional friendly wager and an incident in high school where a bookie got actual betting slips into the school, we don't gamble. But the most disgusting ads are the PSAs for responsible gambling. Yeah, right.  

We're catching a Somerset Patriot's game tonight. The weather should be clear, but crisp in New Jersey's autumnal fashion. 

*People who don't think Eli Manning belongs in the Hall of Fame don't understand football and should find something else to watch, like Real Housewives or something appropriate to their sexual lifestyle. 

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