Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Oh my God, it's a Mirage...

 ...I'm tellin' ya'll it's Sabotage!

The Germans and the EU both say the Nord Stream pipeline was sabotaged. 'Who do you think did it?' A fellow North American asked us. 'The Jews,' we replied. You know what the Imams say. Okay, seriously, we thought about who could have sabotaged the pipeline and came up with enviro-whack jobs. They would if they could. But could they? [Wouldn't the tree-humpers just glue themselves to the pipeline?-Ed]. Underwater? Other than that we got nuthin'. What nation could benefit from sabotaging the pipeline? Unless....[seriously?-Ed] Seriously. Reader(s) may think that's nuts. But just remember, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

It's not that World War 1990: The Final Storm is a slog. It's just that we're reading it and not coming away happy. We've fixed a lot, but still. In some places, too many words. In other places, not enough words. We're tempted to put The Final Storm Down and come back to it. But walking away isn't going to fix anything. Let's keep going. Meanwhile we're quite pleased with what we see in The New American Order

Israeli Radar reports: 'Israel’s political and defense chiefs have finalized military retaliation plans in case of a Hezbollah attack. In parallel, the IDF is on alert in the north for attempts to target Israel’s Karish gas rig or other high-value assets.' Hezbollah has to act, no? If Israel pumps gas from the Karish rig and Hezbollah does nothing, Hezbollah looks weak. See how war has its own internal logic? This blog can only speculate as to what Israel's plan looks like. We assume they have several options, beginning with localized retaliation and ending with full-on war. We'd put money on a week long air and arty strike on the border. But we wouldn't bet the mortgage.

Jeremy's Knesset Insider has some interesting Israeli election analyses, 'We are starting to see more and more polls that give Netanyahu’s bloc 61 or more seats. This trend should continue going into next week and it is likely the next average will already give the former Prime Minister a majority.' We have nothing against the Bennett/Lapid government. But reelecting Bibi pisses off all the right people. Jeremy Saltan, the blog proprietor, is a Bennett guy, BTW. 

Last night, Somerset Patriots 9, Erie Sea Dogs 2. Here's a homer to deep center:

1 comment:

  1. I think the Ukraine special forces did it to put more pressure on the Russians
