Saturday, September 24, 2022

Saturday Updates

This Saturday morn, autumn has arrived in full.

Mrs. Stroock is back. Her Nittany Lions are playing at noon. We are....! 

We didn't have much time or energy to work on French. Merde.

Nor did we get to the gym after Sunday, !@$!.

We see the House GOP released something called The Commitment to America which focuses on inflation, immigration, crime and parents. We've no idea if this will give them a jolt. The Commitment is a recasting of Newt's Contract with America in 1994, which was kind of a big deal. The contract nationalized the election and made Bill Clinton the number one issue. We were there, a young CR hanging Contract with America posters around Wesley College. All politics is local, they used to say. Not anymore. Off year elections are about the guy in the White House. Here's what Newt has to say about The Commitment.* 

The things.

Sales are down a bit this week off their summer high. We've already had our second best month of the year. The Great Nuclear War of 1975 got it's 500th rating. Overall, 4.1 stars as ratings regressed to the mean. We are among the best there is at what we do. 

We've been active on Twitter, and have met a few interesting people, but can't say sales are up. Who knows? We have a pretty good following on Gab (link top right).

Another odd yet productive week here at Stroock Farms.

We've read through 76's sovereignty chapter and are pleased.

We had a long, tough slog on The Final Storm's Barents Sea chapter. Is it better? Yes. Is it ready? We shrug. That's it. We've read through all of part one. We're going to go back through it this week. Why? self torture, mostly. We think we need to add at least three scenes. One with B-52s, one with B-1s, one with Canadian F-18s. Yes, we're bringing back out Canadian F-18 driver from Nederland. He's at a Canadian air base now and will be scrambling the final night of the war. 

*Always listen to Newt when he talks about elections. Also Pat Buchanan. The readership may not want to hear this, but also Karl Rove.

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