Monday, September 19, 2022

Will's Writing is...Insane!

Anyone from the New York metropolitan area over 40 will remember this ad and dozens like it:

I had that air conditioner. tells us about Crazy Eddie Antar and the downfall of his electronics empire. Back in the 80's Crazy Eddie ads were ubiquitous and one would have seen them at least a couple of times a day. That's not Crazy Eddie Antar in the commercial. No, that's radio DJ and actor Jerry Carroll. Here's a NYT's profile on Mr. Carroll. Crazy Eddie had fierce competition from other local electronics chains, including Newmark & Lewis and Nobody Beats the Wiz with pitchman Joe Namath. One would see advertisements for all three during a Mets or Yankees game. 'His prices are insane!'

The Jerusalem Post reports, 'A notable uptick in Israeli air operations against Iran-linked targets on Syrian soil has taken place over the last month, according to regional media.' Heck, there's been plenty of activity in Judea/Samaria too. Something's up. Also, Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday.  Hezbollah is making threats over the Karish gas field. Remember, Lebanon and Hezbollah are riddled with Israeli spies, and there's probably not much the Israelis don't know about Hezbollah military infrastructure. You know what the Imams say. Israel has already promised a swift and brutal response should Hezbollah attack. The Jews can do it. 

A productive day. We are completely reworking the Barents Sea chapter in The Final Storm. What a mess. In fact, we're rethinking the entire set up concept. Dumping the set up would make for a more urgent book. We won't do it. But something isn't quite working. We must dwell on this. 

Conversely, we got into The New American Order's sovereignty chapter and things are looking pretty good so far.  There is work to be done on the opening scene where world leaders are listening to President Rockefeller's inauguration in 1977. From Britain, to France, to West Germany, Israel, Islamabad, etc. Maybe more world leaders need to be added. We shall see. Inshallah. 

With Mrs. Stroock in Texas all week we'll be posting in the afternoon. In some ways, we miss this, the sense of afternoon purpose. Usually this time of day we're wondering if we should clean or go to the gym. 'The laundry needs to be folded but that 40ish Brazilian woman is usually at the gym this time of day...'

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