Sunday, September 4, 2022

Will's Unfulfilled Good Ideas for the Week of 9/4/22

Greetings Stroock's Books Continuum.

We are dealing with the aftermath of our week at the beach. Physically we still feel like we had an extra tough week at the gym. Also, Despite being washed our clothes still smell like our beach condo, very breezy and ocean fresh. 

While we washed and folded and washed and folded the womenfolk went shopping. There's an Amish market in eastern Pennsylvania Mrs. Stroock likes.  Then, we allowed ourselves a Czech Pilsner and an Arturo Fuente Short Story. 

More Pennsylvania. We caught some of Trump's speech at Wilkes-Barre last night. He's still got it, but he's also still talking too much about himself. That being said, pundits who think Trump is a drag on the GOP don't understand politics and should find something else to opine upon, spelling bees maybe. [Okay, Doc-Ed]

Speaking of PA, as we predicted, the Oz/Fetterman senate race is very tight according to multiple polls we trust.* We don't know that Oz will win, we do know that Fetterman won't blow him out. We'll say it again, you think Oz doesn't know how to connect with an audience? Also, Shrek is a bad candidate.

Here's a fresh, new review of The Austrian Painter (just keep scrolling). The reviewer genuinely likes the book, but reading it seems to have broken his brain, 'The author seems out to be a right-wing lunatic (the bio at the end includes a link to his Gab account, which, uhhhhh) which you would think is obvious given that the protagonist of the book is Hitler but honestly I have no idea what political message I’m supposed to be taking away from this.' This blog urges readers to go read the rest of the review. We enjoyed it very much, as it was about us and how awesome we are.

The reviewer says The Austrian Painter has some genuinely good 'world building'. It did, plenty to mess around with if we ever wanted to. But we don't want to. The Austrian Painter is a one-off. [Yeah, sure -Ed]. It is. Frankly, as we're in our 50th year  (we just know the next ten are gonna go by in a hurry), we just wonder how much time is left. We're up to our neck in World War 1990 and now the nuke series. 

We have a couple of space opera ideas. We had some ideas for one-off WWII novels. One about a destroyer in the Okinawa campaign. One about a Baleo Class sub. [Remind me how A March Through Hell did-Ed] When will we ever get to these? Not next year, judging by the Future Projects page.

*Follow Rich Baris, the people's pundit, on twitter, Rassmussen and Trafalgar polls.

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