Friday, October 28, 2022

Your Saturday Update on Friday

Note, there will be no Saturday post. Too busy with Jew stuff.

We've been working on the daddy/daughter bat mitzvah and declare ourselves totally based. 

Speaking of THE JEWS...

The Times of Israel has a long piece on the Religious Zionist Party, which it calls 'far right' and compares its rise to that of AfD in Germany, Le Pen in France, and Meloni in Italy. The ToI says the Religious Zionist Party is worse. The paper points out that Ben Gvir would encourage Israeli Arabs to leave and destroy the Palestinian Authority and annex Judea/Samaria, which is insane unless the Israelis are going to expel the Arabs living there. Now that is not a bad idea...we kid, we kid.

We popped on over to leftwing Haretz to see what those quislings had to say about the Religious Zionist Party. We were not disappointed. Here's a good one, Netanyahu's blood-pact with the far-right spells doom for the West Bank. Click on over and one will see talk of 'settlements' and 'peace agreements' as if the year is 1999. We don't like everything we see from the Religious Zionist Party, but we'll admit this, Ben Gvir makes all the right enemies. It's afraid.

At the moment the Religious Zionist Party would get about 14 seats in the Knesset and be a powerful block. Might Netanyahu be able to scare a centrist party or two into joining him to keep Ben Gvir out of the government. Oh, Bibi, you know what the imams say. Here's another article explaining why it will be so hard for Lapid/Bennet to form a government of leftists and centrists. November 1st, people. 

The Things:

We've been both busy and distracted this week. 

Because we're in a weird place schedule and creativity wise, we've spent a fair amount of time on Twitter and Gab. Sales are up. Coincidence? I dunno. Sales for October will be about 15 percent down from September. Such are the vicissitudes of book sales. 

We didn't do much with World War 1990: The Final Storm. We did look at the Georgia section. The scenes we looked at are good. About half the setup is done. We need to write at least three scenes to get to the Battle of the Roki Tunnel. Overall, having Shevardnadze arrive in Tbilisi and hang out for a few days was the right decision. As things calm down after tomorrow, we'll see if we can't finish the setup next week. Did we say January? Mock us. Mock us all you want. 

The formatting people are formatting The Aftermath of 1976 and designing the cover. We should have it early next week. *should*. 

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