Wednesday, December 14, 2022

In Which the Court Doesn't Summon Will

Good news. Somerset County informs us that our jury service is complete. They never called. Personally, we wonder if lawyers didn't google us and decide, 'Yeah, we really don't want this guy on a jury.' Will Stroock: Just the right amount of crazy. 

Our knee has been a touch sore the last few days. We were able to workout through it on Monday. Last night we woke up to the knee throbbing badly. We didn't hit the gym yesterday but raked leaves instead. Did that trigger something? Is it gout? If you have to ask, it is. We took a colchicine and chugged a glass of cherry water. The knee feels much better now. 

Our article at 19FortyFive yesterday produced comments gold. We expected grief from our fellow MAGA hats, but no. Most of the comments came from, well, people who did not like Trump. We urge readers to click through and see for themselves. That's gold, Jerry. Gold. Getting into the weeds with these people is pointless. But we did reply, 'Thanks for not letting me down, folks.' The commenters came through. They really came through. 

We're working on something else for 19FortyFive right now, same theme. Trump's a traffic driver, the editor said. No kidding. We've asked for and gotten permission to be ourselves. By which we mean we're allowed to write a bit about why we think 2020 was stolen. Wish us luck. 

We had nothing to do with the top ranked 'independent film' search term here in New Jersey.  [Really? Because with the homelife you describe it sounds like you get ordered around by women all day-Ed] This is very true, but not in that way. The top searched term in Utah is 'Mormon', which is hilarious. As our late FBF Kathy Shaidle used to say, if it exists, there's porn about it. What would Mormon porn look like? Mitt Romney comes to mind. You're welcome, reader(s).

What Will's Watching: Scrubs season-1. Scrubs is a hospital comedy/drama starring Zach Braff as a dorky young doctor who has trouble relating to his friends, coworkers and superiors. We started watching Scrubs from the premier of the first episode in 2001 and loved it through 2007 or so but haven't seen it since. We feared Scrubs hadn't aged well. Watching season-1 now is like watching something from 1980 in 2001, so there are differences. But overall the plot, humor, and cultural norms are okay. It could just be we're already used to what we're seeing. We catch one episode a night. 3/4

Both Oldest and Middle Daughter are learning about the American Revolution, or the War of the Rebellion for you speech impaired readers across the pond. Despite having an MA in the American Revolution [Yes we know, we know-Ed] we haven't published that much on the subject. There just isn't a huge demand for articles on the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Rats, we should have majored in Civil War Studies. We could have gotten every last one of those term papers published. But then we started thinking [Really? Your mum would be proud-Ed] and came up with five Revolutionary War pieces in print. This includes articles on the Whigs in Parliament, grand strategy during the war, Colonel Otho Holland Williams (see sidebar), William Washington, and Bloody Banastre Tarleton. Not bad, actually. 

We finished reading The New American Order's refugee chapter yesterday and are re-reading it today. The chapter looks good. we saw several opportunities for making the chapter better, small details, that sort of thing. This will be a most beneficial readthrough. So far, it's going well. There's still plenty of work to do on TNAO before the end of the year.

Stroock's Books commercial break. Apropos of nothing, a GE range oven commercial from 1999. Yet another ad that we remember from back in the day. The ad, the kitchen, the man, and even his clothes still feel contemporary. This is a sign of a culture in stagnation, no?

1 comment:

  1. I suggest rewatching Chuck I've forgotten how much I love this show when on the air I'm also watching old Emergency
