Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Roll Convoy, Roll Will

We said we got a gig, we got a gig, back with the good people at 19fortyfive: 'The right’s anti-Trump argument goes like this. Donald Trump lost the House, the presidency, and the Senate in that order. This observer was not optimistic Trump cost the GOP two Senate seats in the 2021 Georgia runoff. But, given the poor showing of Trump-endorsed Senate candidates in the 2022 midterm elections, it is hard to argue Trump did not lose the Senate.' Damn near makes us feel respectable. Click on through. We still miss Maxim.* 

Zero-Hedge tells us that the Poles are arming: 'Poland aims to create the largest land army in Europe, according to a report from French newspaper Le Figaro, with the paper’s analysis pointing out the colossal weapons contracts signed by Warsaw, including tanks, self-propelled guns, and missile launchers.' Smart. This is what one does when one is next to Russia. Every police station should have a weapons cache. Every town a resistance captain. Every crossroads should be covered by a bunker. High schools should have a gun and orienteering club. Children should be taught a semaphore system for the quick relaying of messages. Polish message to Russia: 'You want a piece of this?'

Black Pill Will: Crypto (I don't even know what that is) fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried will not kill himself. Even after SBF's arrest in the Bahamas and looming extradition to the United States, we remain skeptical that he will actually face justice. The man has too much protection in the government and media. Too many important people invested in FTX. Plus, how many of those important people participated in SBF's drug fueled orgies? He'll get 18 months and home confinement. Meanwhile, every time we see a black SUV in the neighborhood we think, 'It's happening.'  

We see the Biden regime is celebrating the Respect for Marriage Act. It's going to be lit AF when Orthodox Jews tell these people to get lost. The Orthodox won't care about fines, summons, incarceration, etc. Never mess with people who told Alexander the Great they wouldn't build a statue to him in their temple, and consider this 2300+ year old event living memory.* As Parmenion whispered to Alexander, 'Beware these people who fear their god more than they fear you.'

Staying on the Jewish beat...when one deals with the Israeli Haredi, one deals with this: 'In addition, the government will also take affirmative action to integrate Haredi men into state-owned enterprises, among other reported clauses added to the coalition agreement. This joins previously agreed-upon changes such as the decision to double the government subsidy to Haredi yeshiva students.' Yes, Haredi men are paid not to work and sit around all day studying Torah. The Haredi also demanded electricity be cut off during Shabot. Fuckers. This blog begrudges no man his religious beliefs, but we really don't like these guys. 

Story time with Will: World War 1990: Battle of the GIUK Gap. As currently envisioned this version of GIUK Gap comes sans Norway. We'd do is a novel about the North Atlantic convoys, the Soviet assault on Iceland, some Spanish navy stuff at Gibraltar and around the Azores, plus the logistical networks in France. By which we mean trains and trucker convoys making their way to the front, 'Roll Convoy!' that sort of thing. We'll call that Operation Rubber Duck***. We'd definitely do Soviet subs. One sub attacking a convoy, one sub trying to force the GIUK Gap, and one sub, say, observing just outside of New York Harbor. 

*Our KGB contact. Not the magazine. 

**Sit through a Passover seder, and Exodus will feel like living memory too.

***Reference. And if you get the reference, we'll be impressed. 

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