Friday, January 6, 2023

January, the 6th Day

So rather than post The New American Order's future history chapter, I read and recorded it and uploaded the audio file to Substack. Readers may listen to the file by clicking here. Remarks welcomed and encouraged. What else is needed? What did we miss? What questions do you have? And Lol, one can tell where we've left a detail out when we say, INSERT or BLANK. Lol again. Is the future history done? No. Is the future history almost done? Yes. 

The New York Post reports:  'As Rep. Kevin McCarthy heads to an astonishing 11th failed attempt to be elected House speaker, reports are emerging that a deal is being struck between the California congressman and the bloc of lawmakers that have kept the gavel out of his hands.' Question, as Dwight Kurt Shrute would ask, why didn't McCarthy do this deal before all the bloodletting? Here's to you, you brave GOP 20. Was it politics? Sure. Was it about committee assignments? Partially. We don't care who's speaker. 'Burn them all'. As far as McCarthy goes, we think of Cromwell once more and urge reader(s) to click on through. One last time, in the name of God, go. 

Mrs. Stroock took the week off and has been using that time to clean. Her primary target was the master bedroom closet, which seems to have exploded, vomiting forth a decade's worth of old clothes. We found a blazer that had in its pocket a funeral card from 2006. Yikes. We also found our mid-2000s black leather jacket (remember those?) that we thought we'd thrown out. It has a quaint little flip phone shaped inside pocket. We've got a tonne of blazers and suits from out professorial days. We'll be purging. A man really only needs two suits (one for funerals) and two blazers (one for the wake). 

Things I'd like to say in earnest: SDF-1 to base command.

On the World War 1990: Norway front, we have completed our research on General Alexander Lebed, commander of the 106th VDV. We've read his memoirs and found some video of the man. Behold. Lebed is pretty much right out of central casting, which is fine. A large, rectangle shaped man with a baritone singer's voice. Lebed strikes us as a competent and conscientious officer. 

On our walk yesterday we asked our commie friend what's Russian for October Force. She said it wouldn't translate well into Russian and wouldn't really have the same meaning in Russian as in English. Speaking of not translating well...Given that World War 1990: Nederland was titled Nederland and not Netherlands, should World War 1990: Norway be titled World War 1990: Norge? Hmmm...many readers will ask, 'What the hell's a Norge?'

Commercial break. The Crest Cavity Creeps were soooo cool. Later in the 80's I became an Aquafresh man, something about all those colors smooshed together in the tube. As an adult I liked Tom's of Maine hippy-dippy toothpaste. Now I brush with whatever's lying around. But in 1979, I liked Crest. Can you blame me?:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting listen. Sounds like the series will end on a pessimistic down note maybe there should be a follow-up taking the series to the year 2020? If your readers understood Nederland, they would understand "Norge".
