Saturday, January 14, 2023

Saturday Updates

Ahhh...Wendy's last night. The girls were pleased. We've prepped with cherry extract and maintained hydration. So far, so good. 

You know, we really have dramatically reduced our intake of political news. We're no longer glued to the phone after dinner. We'll scan some headlines from Ace and Hot Air, but we don't do a deep read. So far, so good. This was easier to do than we thought. One can disinvest oneself from one's things. The Giants meet the Vikings in the playoffs today [Nope! Tomorrow. See?] and we've barely thought about it. Heck, we intend to fold laundry during the game.

We bring this up because on his audio show yesterday, Mark Steyn gives us a health update. We came away thinking that frustration and despair with current events was a big contributor to his double heart attack. We share Steyn's frustration and despair. I dunno, maybe events are already in motion and these years will mark the beginning of the great comeback. But we've been watching politics for 30+ years, and things only go in one direction. 


We're calling this week a bad week for World War 1990: The Final Storm. As some of you people learned yesterday, by the afternoon we were seriously considering scrapping the MS and starting over. We did look over the airstrike scenes, and they looked okay. But there was tonnes of stuff in other scenes we didn't like. TFS tries to do a lot. There's plenty of setup for future novels. There's also plenty of prep. We have to describe and explain the Soviet air defense system. The Tornado drivers get a briefing scene, and then a takeoff scene. So do the Aardvark drivers. So do the Italians. There's plenty of Oval Office drama, followed by Pentagon drama, followed by Oval Office drama. See the problem? 

Are reader(s) sick of TFS updates? Because I'm sick of writing about writing about TFS

Today we will print out a hardcopy of The New American Order. This doesn't mean we won't add to the MS. We may have a few ideas yet. We are nagged that a few characters from 75 and 76 show up in TNAO. Why these characters? Why not others? As always, if reader(s) want to see a character from 75 and 76 in TNAO, post below. We think we'll send TNAO to the editor on 1 February.

We had a vision yesterday. We've been flirting with the idea of doing more talkies on Substack, but couldn't put together bumper music. Why not just pick up a guitar and play a short riff, like two bars, or something? Indeed, why not?

1 comment:

  1. Regarding TNAO this North Carolinian would be interested in an update on the Western NC farmer who took in refugees from the Eastern part of the state. Also a follow-up on the warlords and how they were handled especially the one in Oakland as I believe it was mentioned several times.
