Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Lucky Will

Trump Truths about DeSantis, not Bragg, and says DeSantis would be working in a pizza parlor if it weren't for him. Meanwhile, DeSantis passes a massive school choice bill that funds students, not systems. Yet some of my fellow MAGA hats want to ride the Trump train to....where ever the hell it's going.

Stroock's Books believes Netanyahu's pulling back from the brink was both wise and judicious, see what I did there? That joke's a twofer. [Oh, bravo. Excuse me while I slow clap-Ed]. General Natan Nagid would ask, 'What is the price of victory?' This blog hopes Bibi's coalition eventually gets most of what it wants, while galvanizing the center and center left into eventual political victory. 

Hot Air reports the Wall Street Journal did a poll of Americans that explored their values and found that most Americans have abandoned the cultural values that built this country. We have become a vapid, dying culture filled with morally vacuous people.' Only 38% of respondents said patriotism was a very important value. 

Stroock's Books doesn't feel very patriotic. America is the greatest country in the world, is it? See below. Also, weren't we just run out of Afghanistan by 'goatherds' as we liked to mock. Can't China make American corporate behemoths shut up with a snap of its fingers? Lebron James gets down on one knee for Fentanyl Floyd, and two for Communist China.  

Stroock's Books looks about and see's little reason for socio-economic optimism. Between the debt, the march through the institutions, the war in Ukraine, the rise of China, AI, bitcoin, J6 demonstrators being given long sentences, race relations, DEI, the Border Crisis, we're just morose, pessimistic. 

[It's not Thursday, you shouldn't be doing Thursday Downer material-Ed]

What Will's Watching: Lucky Hank. Henry William Deveraux Jr. (Bob Odenkirk) is a middle-aged chair of a middling college's English Department. He's stuck, and has been stuck for a long, long time. What happen, Hank wonders, and why hasn't he written anything after his successful first novel?  There's lots going on with and within Hank, and on campus. Yes, we relate to this character. Also, we read the novel upon which Lucky Hank is based, Straight Man by Richard Russo. 4/4

In World War 1990: The Final Storm, we are setting up one scene for another scene that must set up something else. There's tension there, but we're wondering if all the setup is actually worthwhile. Probably. 

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