Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Monday Metal on Wednesday

Once more we wake up, look at the news headlines and feel disgust. On Twitter we asked someone, after lamenting the American values poll we mentioned yesterday, to provide proof that America is the greatest country in the world. This person said World War Two. We replied that was 75 years ago. 

We write this at our new/old coffeeshop where the coffee is...okay.

Remember, Gagh is always best when served live.

Thirty-four degrees this morning, that's Fahrenheit you Euro-trash bastards. Canucks too. And we were going to shave our winter beard. 

General Natan Nagid wakes up and Tweets up.

It is said Daniel Snyder is on the verge of selling the Washington Commanders. This saddens us. Snyder is a vicious and incompetent owner, ensuring his football team sucks. If you hate the former Washington Foreskins (and what decent folk don't?) enjoy this ESPN retrospective on Snyder's misrule. We found the article arousing, sexually. I hate the Redskins/oh, yes I do/ and Danny Snyder/go to hell, fuck you.

Monday Metal, Monday bad Metal (on Wednesday). Ladies and gentlemen, we give you 1992's Jackyl:

Yes, that's a chainsaw*. It took us a while to even remember what this band was called, though we owned the album, 30 years ago. It went platinum. Did Beavis and Butthead do this song...? Did they ever. 'Huh-huh. Chainsaws are cool.' Do click over. We're calling this Bad Metal, but is it?

*Yes our own chainsaw expedition last weekend reminded us of this song. 

1 comment:

  1. After spending years fighting for this country I don't recognize it anymore and don't think it's worth fighting for anymore it's time for a national divorce between this country
