Friday, April 7, 2023

Friday And we're Passed Over

Another Passover Seder in the books. Mrs. Stroock made an excellent brisket. So far no (more) gout. We are hydrated to full effect. Overall we feel well rested and calm. It's been more than two weeks since we enjoyed a lighted tobacco product. Afternoon cigar? 

Oldest Daughter invited a nice young man to attend. Being a Hindu he knew nothing of the Book of Exodus and we had to start from, well, the beginning. 'Who's your most powerful god?' We asked. 'Shiva, right? That's the one you don't mess with? That's what this is like.' Interesting, no? He rejected the gefilte fish. Smart kid. 

Damage from water heater breakdown was minimal. The bottoms of a lot of our book boxes got wet but protected the books. The books have been removed and the boxes will need replacing. Weve had a dehumidifier going down there, so that should prevent mold buildup. We were lucky. We put the new water heater on the Disney card, and let's just say we earned lots of Disney dollars. 

So far Israeli strikes against Hamas in Lebanon and Gaza are indeed 'loud but limited'. Remember, the Six Day War started because Nasser and Assad were having a contest to see who could hate Israel more.  The Times of Israel has the report. Meanwhile two sisters were killed and their mother wounded in a Judea/Samaria terror attack. This blog, and General Natan Nagid* have warned about Judea/Samaria. As Prime Minister MacMillian once said, 'Event, dear boy, events.'

Friday marks the return of the Friday Flag, obvious edition (not a current pic):

*Twitter is telling this account to follow a guy named William Stroock. 

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