Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Notes on a Farce + Fat Alvin Oinks

Hah! Hah! What a crap wagon. Are you not entertained? 

Manhattan DA, Soros man Alvin Bragg is a fat, donut eating, walking case of Type-2 Diabetes waiting to happen. Everything about Bragg says 95% blockage. Has that man had his cardiac catheterization yet? If not, why not?

Stroock's Books crack legal team tells us the case against President Trump, such as it is, is utter crap. Legal pundits laughing at the flimsiness of Bragg's case miss the point. 

Trump's moment in NYC was good, we admit. We watched his speech at Mar a Lago and it was zzzzz...

Has the faux indictment helped Trump? Of course. Is the nomination clinched? You kidding me? Have we learned nothing and forgotten nothing? Stop it, pundits, just stop it. JFC, what's gonna happen between now and then? I dunno.

We will say, though, that sometimes it's not about the man, but the fight. 

For the love of god we swore we didn't want to get back into talking about political races. But the GOP lost a Supreme Court election in Wisconsin last night. Some say that has dire, dire consequences. Maybe? Where was the RNC? Useless as always. And Trump? Please.

Moving on....

We had our typically great, let's say good, back to backs at the gym.

What Will's Watching: Firefly....ahhh. We haven't watched this in about 5 years. Well written and well executed sci-fi. A space western, a classic. The TV show is good, the movie sequel, Serenity is better.  Firefly only lasted 14 episodes. Some say that's a tragedy, we say that makes each episode all the better. Seriously, if you haven't watched Firefly, watch Firefly. 4/4

The Times of Israel reports: 'Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai claimed it is part of the “nature” and “mentality” of Arabs Israelis to kill, in a phone call with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir that the latter apparently leaked to the press.' So? And? The Arab may spout all the Jew hating nonsense he wants but the Jew must remain polite, is that it? Get fucked,

Tonight is the first night of Passover. Preparations are being made around the Stroock House. Relatives will arrived and the litany of plagues recited:

1. Blood. (Dam)
2. Frogs (Tsifardeah)
3. Lice (Kinim)
4. Gnats and flies (Arov)
5. Disease on livestock (Dever)
6. Unhealable boils (Shkhin)
7. Hail and thunder (Barad)
8. Locusts (Arbeh)
9. Darkness (Choshech)
10. Death of the first-born of all humans and animals. (Makat b’chorot)


  1. RE: “Manhattan DA, Soros man Alvin Bragg is a fat, donut eating, walking case of Type-2 Diabetes waiting to happen. Everything about Bragg says 95% blockage. Has that man had his cardiac catheterization yet? If not, why not?”
    Are you sure you are not projecting a little? 🤔

  2. I'm rewatching Chuck forgot how good the show was
