Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Morning Reality Check

Good Sunday morn, Stroock's Books Commune.

This may be the day we shave the beard. 

Every week we see an article which convinces us, for a host of reasons, that we should give up magazine writing, of any sort. Yes the AI menace is here. 

We got an offer to do a talkie thing. We approach said offer with great caution. We think it's probably a scam. We'll see. 

The news leaves us with a sense of despair and dread. Also disgust. We try to consume less news. 

You know, we see a lot of talk about Biden doing this, or that, or Biden's policy on some such. Or talk about getting Biden. Do you fuckwits not understand that that wobbly, pants peeing dementia patient is irrelevant? He's a vessel for the Deep State, nothing more. Domestic policy is run by Susan Rice and her cabal, foreign policy by Victoria Nuland and her junta. 

Yes, Soros DA Alvin Bragg's indictment of President Trump helps him immensely in the primary. But we still don't see how it helps Trump in the general. And it probably doesn't matter. The whole thing is rigged. Don't bother. See Powerline. Also Breitbart

Moving on to less depressing things...

We are on page 115 of The New American Order. Yesterday afternoon the proofer was on page 179. She says I'm using a lot of curses. I asked where she was on the MS. 'The Canada part,' she replied. Well that makes sense then. Goddamn Quebecois. Reminder, Pierre Trudeau was a great man in his own way. We're on track. May. Probably(?) 1 May. 

To repeat, we limped across the finish line, reading the SAS chapter in The Final Storm, but cross that finish line we did.  

On to the next chapter, and Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/2/23. This is a complex chapter in which the Bush Administration tries to contact the Kremlin, but no one is picking up the phone, or replying to the telex (there never was a phone) and they don't understand why because Maggie being Maggie, she didn't tell George about the SAS raid. So it's pandemonium in the White House and across the US as the Emergency Broadcast System goes live. 

After that we have to figure out if we're doing a chapter showing B-52s, Canadian F-18s, the old B-2 crew, etc etc. Hmmm....Will's Other Good Idea for the Week of 4/2/23. Maybe the B-2s nuke a bunch of silos? That would help set the stage for the negativity we want to have in post WWIII novels. 

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