Sunday, April 16, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/16/23

The basement utility room is pretty much back together. Our final task is to re-box about ten boxes worth of books. 

We had planned on doing some yardwork today but we had tonnes of rain last night and we doubt the yard will dry out. Maybe some weed whacking along the periphery. 

Without proper segue, Will's Good Idea for the Week of 4/16/23.

We've been thinking [since when?-Ed] about nuke novel short story compilations and are probably about to write the same thing on the matter we've written before. 

We'd like to do a story about a nuclear missile silo crew after they launch the missiles. The big base in Arkansas survived the war. Here take a tour

We have an idea for a White House staffer wandering the building after the president has been evacuated. But there's a huge continuity issue as President Ford was killed in Marine One on the White House grounds. So there wouldn't be much time for, 'Oh look at me, walking into the Oval office'. We may not care. 

A little girl, living home alone with her stuffed animals. 

We're thinking of doing some really dark stuff, horror story level stuff. Remember the National Guard burial detail in The Great Nuclear War of 1975? Like that, but worse. 

Anyway...we like thinking about this project because we're sick of thinking about World War 1990: The Final Storm. Here we have no good ideas. 

Exit question, when do we start writing about the next ten years?

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