Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Jew and a View

Good morning, Stroock's Books commune.

Last night Oldest Daughter had a pair of works in the high school art show. We saw dozens of pieces and a lot of teen angst. Most of the artistes were extremely talented. 

That's the lake at the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction, southeast end. 

We had excellent back-to-back days at the gym. We again notice diminishing returns. We're pushing 2500 yards on the rowing machine where once we pushed 3000 yards. Does it matter? I dunno. Are we turning 50? Why yes, yes we are. 

Today is Jerusalem Day. The Jews are the indigenous people of Jerusalem. All of it. 

Someone made a spoof account of me on Twitter. What's that about? Huh. 

We reminded our people that the rifle on the new World War 1990: Nederland cover should be an FN FAL. 

We had another good day with World War 1990: The Final Storm. We're going to get downright optimistic and say things are going pretty well. 

About ideas....we got a few...CSA, Red Dawn, Desert Merc thingy, War Night...we could do any one of 'em. Okay, we're stuck on War Night. We've never quite been in a situation like this and we admit to not knowing what to do about it. It's like in baseball, where you can't have too much pitching. When one is a writer, one can't have too many good ideas. And we keep getting 'em. We're here to chew gum and get good ideas. And we're all out of gum. 

Look, this really shouldn't be that hard. We want to do a WW1990 novel. We will write one every year for the foreseeable future and we'll write a novel about something else. A, B, A, B. You people got that? And we're sticking with the one forward, one back WW1990 routine. TFS will be followed by Norway.

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