Friday, May 19, 2023

Fek on a Friday

Behold this scene showing Israeli teenaged girls serenading an old woman during yesterday's Jerusalem Day parade. The Times of Israel writes this as if it were a bad thing: 'This year, as in every year, tens of thousands of young religious-Zionist men and women from schools, yeshivas and seminaries around the country descended on the capital to sing and dance in street parties arranged to mark the reunification of the city during the Six Day War and Israel’s capture of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest sites.' 

Good. Spike the football. Rub the West Bank People's face in it. The Jew won. You lost. And you're losers. Jews are the indigenous people of Jerusalem. All of it. Build the Third Temple. Next year in Jerusalem. 

We went over World War 1990: Norway yesterday. 7,000 words. We liked what we saw. It felt comfortable. It felt good. You know, maybe we should just spend the summer writing World War 1990: Norway and the autumn writing World War 1990: Esercito Italiano. Stay focused, stay on track, stay on World War 1990. Maybe? [He said that in a questioning, uptalked voice-Ed]

We wrote this last December and it's true, 'Long ago we realized the World War 1990 project would never be finished. As long as the ideas keep coming, we'll keep writing them. We'll be working on a World War 1990 novel every year for the rest of our life. As always the question remains, what other projects do we want to write? But then we asked, why are we stressing on this? We're about to finish our 3rd non-WW1990 novel in two years, that novel being The New American Order.'

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