Wednesday, May 17, 2023

In Which the Deep State Walks across the Carrier in its Jumpsuit

Cons can gloat over the Durham Report all they want. But the Mueller investigation and the Russian collusion hoax accomplished what the deep state wanted. Trump was hamstringed for 2 + years and his presidency tainted. Such is the power of the Deep State. This is a useful time to remind reader(s) that Trump or DeSantis, it doesn't matter. So long as the Democrats control the Deep State, and therefore the means of counting, they will win. 

Debt ceiling fight? We were there for the 2011 debt ceiling fight and followed it with great interest and great worry. Fat hell of a lot that did us, the GOP or the nation's finances. America is more in debt than ever. Who cares? Stroock's Books is 100 percent comfortable with defaulting on the debt and encourages the US government to do so. Nothing will happen. Or maybe all kinds of bad things will happen. Who knows. But whatever happens has to happen. 

The first month of sales of The New American Order are in. Those sales are following known patters. That is, a slow but steady rise followed up by a big algorithm driven sales spike. Sales are approaching their peak after which they will plateau before falling off 20 percent or so per month. 

A solid day yesterday with World War 1990: The Final Storm. We broke a setup chapter into three.  We have a chapter with a bunch of leaders talking. Then a chapter with a bunch of flyers arriving at places like Hokkaido and Crimea. Then we have a scene where those flyers are getting briefed on air strikes. We need to write scenes where world leaders are being informed of the impending attack. We think we'll have Dan Quayle making these phone calls. This adds intrigue.

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