Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Bad Ideas, I got a Few

We did the laundry yesterday. All. Of. It.

Something called the Durham Report dropped yesterday, alleging corruption in the FBI vis a vis the Russian collusion hoax. I knew that already.  

As we write this, we are telling a telemarketer that our address is 1060 W Addison, Chicago. 

We had a good day with World War 1990: The Final Storm. We sorted out the set-up part, mostly by axing or moving around scenes. We read about halfway through the strike prep part. Today we will read through the other half. Update, we had a better day today. Moving right along, da-da-dum, da-da-dum.

We had an idea. Hear me out. Basically, Red Dawn. 

-D-Day fails. Soviet troops sweep through Europe.

-FDR defeated, Churchill government falls.

-Winter of 1948, Atlee government demands US leave, too much of a burden.

-1952, MacArthur elected president.

-US becomes neo-isolationist. 

-1959, Cuba falls, revolution spreads to Latin America.

-1960, Adlai Stevenson elected president. 

-1963, Mexican insurgency begins. Mexico falls 1968. US border collapses.

-1968 Barry Goldwater elected president. 

-1970s, Mexico becomes communist stronghold. 

-1970s, Arthur Scargill becomes premier of British Soviet Socialist Republic. 

-1980-ish, communist invasion across southern border. 

The USSR is in a much better place in this universe with more resources and muscle to be aggressive, hence the accelerated Latin American revolution timeline. 

Taking a look at logistics, we envision two pushes, one through east Texas, obviously, another against Phoenix. Los Angeles? forget it. The Mexican infrastructure in Baja couldn't support an invasion. Assume Cuba/USSR/Mexico naval forces can contest the Gulf of Mexico. 

As far as getting stuff across the Atlantic, the Soviets dominate Europe and will send ships via Crimea through the mid-Atlantic.

Lets say there's three Soviet armies (similar to GFSG) in Mexico. Two Mexican armies. One Cuban army. One Nicaraguan army. Various sundry divisions from other Latin American nations. Hmmm....if they can bring Soviet armies to Mexico, why not a German army?

What would the Soviets be hoping to achieve through an invasion? It's not like they could march on Washington. Some sort of battlefield victory and destruction of US military power forcing a peace on favorable terms. 

Baaa! Probably wouldn't work. Nevertheless, we shall dwell on this. 

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