Monday, May 15, 2023

In Which Will Shouts 'Drago!' Into the Siberian Sky

Good Monday morning to the Continuum. 

We went for a walk Saturday, mowed the lawn yesterday and then hit the gym. So that's two good days of work outs and four in a row. Today we rest. 

Yesterday we power washed the house's stucco front to great effect. Boy one can really see the cracks in the stucco now. 

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is wrong: 'Murphy is taking aim at neighboring Gov. Kathy Hochul over New York’s congestion pricing program — with an ad campaign aimed at wooing Big Apple residents and businesses into relocating to his state, The Post has learned.' No, no. Keep New Yorkers out of New Jersey. We don't want they're kind here. As for the Hochul/Murphy slug fest, Stroock's Books says let them fight. 

The Times of Israel reports: 'Far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir is reportedly expected to attend a nationalist march through the Old City of Jerusalem later this week, potentially exacerbating tensions in the already combustible Jerusalem Day parade.' This flag waving march through the Old City seems needlessly provocative. We like it. Stroock's Books endorses the march without hesitation.

Israel Radar has a write-up of Operation Shield and Arrow. Nut graph, the Israelis kicked ass and Islamic Jihad couldn't handle the heat the IDF brought. Most interesting bit, 'Finally, the operation highlighted Israel’s upgraded military capabilities and showed that Islamic Jihad has no answers. Time after time, IDF airstrikes eliminated senior commanders in pinpoint strikes on hideouts deep inside Gaza.' We strongly urge reader(s) to read the whole thing.

Yesterday we opened the World War 1990: Norway doc for the first time since March 4th. We didn't even remember writing half the stuff we wrote. 

Fuuuuuuck. Back to World War 1990: The Final Storm. Okay, we were going to go over the book's setup. Upon further reflection we're plowing ahead like a pair of 1840s Royal Navy cutters sailing into the Canadian arctic, and getting to work on the nuclear alert and prep chapter. Upon reflecting further, no, we're going back over the setup again. 

Time for an 80s training montage. This fulfills Stroock's Books Monday Metal, or Monday (not) Metal, content requirement. 

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