Saturday, May 20, 2023

Saturday Updates...

...And Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/20/23.

A long walk followed by some casual bicycling yesterday. Services last night.

It's rainy and misty here in New Jersey. Looks like we'll have a lazy day reading about the War Between the States. That dang Grant and his Wilderness Battle. Yikes.

We had a good week with World War 1990: The Final Storm. The intro and set up and nuke prep chapters are much better. We'll be going back through them this week. We're getting there. We're getting close.

We wrote one paragraph to replace the entire 10,000 word Georgia chapter. Behold: 'Akhromayev admitted to himself that he was impressed with Shevardnadze’s little coup in Georgia. Within 24 hours they’d seized Tbilisi and closed off the Roki Tunnel into Russia. Elements of the 58th army tried to open the tunnel, but Georgian National Guard held the south entrance even after a fierce battle. I have been underestimating Shevardnadze, Akhromayev thought. Have I also underestimated Yeltsin?'

That oughta do it. 

We gave ourselves a talking to about what we do and what we write. We write a lot of World War 1990, so let's get writing it. We went over World War 1990: Norway again yesterday. That's the next project. That's the summer sneak in. We'll plan on writing Esercito Italiano in the autumn while we're editing Norway. 

We are, as of this moment, going to do our invasion USA/Red Dawn thingy. We just published a successful trilogy that proves we're not stuck in the World War 1990 universe.  Why not write another trilogy? 

D-Day fails, the Reds sweep Europe. This POD allows us to do all kinds of new things.  What follows are random thoughts.

We lost in Europe but still kicked Japan's ass. 

South America is anti-communist. 

Churchill government falls after D-Day failure. Atlee insists US forces leave in 1948. Empire falls apart much quicker. The Soviet Socialist Republic of Britain is neutral. 

We haven't worked out France yet.

The Soviets invade Spain and overthrow Franco in 1955. 

Mexico City fell to a communist insurgency in 1968. 

The Group of Communist Forces Mexico includes contingents from Germany, Italy, Cuba, and Nicaragua. 

Soviet logistics to North America run through the Crimea and Italy, across the Mid Atlantic to Cuba, Vera Cruz, etc. Reminder, the Soviets have the most economically powerful parts of Europe. In 1980 West Germany and Italy were the world's 4th and 5th largest economies. In this universe Germany is unified and Italy is communist. 

Mexico is very communist and run by a dictator fusing Marxism with a weird kind of Mexican liberationism and Reconquista ideology. He's A Mexican version of Khadafy. 

We can think about this thing for weeks, months. 

Tomorrow we'll write about some characters. 


  1. Rhoidisa and South Africa should still be anti communist maybe even have some American advisors fighting with them and what about Australia

  2. France can be like a India is today. Has a special relationship with USSR and is socialist but they want they to be their own entity. They like Britain are neutral and have established a strong relationship with China.
