Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday Updates

We had way too much pizza last night. Oh well. One must needs do that every once in a while. And this is northern New Jersey. If one is going to eat too much pizza, northern New Jersey is the place one should do it. Exit question, what's pizza in Canada like? Heh, extra moose toppings eh?

A tough but good week at the gym. We're noticing we're just not getting the results we used to. We're rowing 2500 yards where once we rowed 3000. Age? Sloth? 

Our study of the War Between the States continues. We've been reading Hymns of the Republic by SC Gwynne, about the last year of the war. Reading once again about the awful slaughter of Grant's Virginia campaign, we were beginning to reconsider the man. But then we got to Grant adapting his thinking by the summer. No, no, Grant is our greatest general. 

You know, up at the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction, are our great-great grandfather's original copies of Grant's memoirs, published 1886. There will be three sojourns up there this summer. Hmmm....

Speaking of, we've reviewed five Civil War books on Good Reads. Why not?

We intend to stick with reading about the last year of the war for a while. 

We feel a pull, a voice nagging us, turn this into some sort of project!

The Things. 

The first 25 reviews of The New American Order are in and so far 4 + stars, almost 4.5. That's it. TNAO is a good novel that people like. Sales are popping. 

The read through of World War 1990: The Final Storm is going well enough. We axed an entire chapter. We may do more axing. We are at once optimistic and trepidatious (huh, we weren't sure trepidatious was a word). May may be the month. 

We finished War Night's first short story and then....we got nothing. We got nothing with The Confederate Adjutant. We're starting to wonder if we should drop both projects. Maybe we should just go back to writing World War 1990: NorwayAre you annoyed by the constant hedging and hemming and hawing, reader(s)? We are. 

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