Sunday, May 14, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/14/23

Hey, Will you idiot. There's a reason why you stopped smoking a cigar and having a beer at night. Ugh. 

Saw a MAGA hat yesterday. I dunno guys, so far Ron DeSantis is the only presidential candidate who has defended Daniel Perry. Where's Trump, who could call on and pay for any number of high-powered lawyers to defend the Marine? For that matter, why didn't Trump help with January 6th protestor's legal defense?

It looks like Israel's fight with Islamic Jihad is over. We yawn distractedly.

Sticking with the Jews... it seems our go-to Israeli news sources, The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post have been drifting left since the last election, especially since the Soros-backed Color Revolution began. Part of this is natural opposition to Bibi's government, which is starting to resemble the rightwing version of Star War's Mos Eisely cantina. Freaks. 

And more Jews...(they're everywhere) An Israeli broad finished third in the Eurovision song contest. Enjoy, gentlemen. Stroock's Books still prefers Gal Gadot. You think Egyptians are freaking out about Cleopatra now, just wait till the Gal Gadot Cleopatra movie comes out. By the time the film has left theatres, tanks will be rolling across the Sinai. 

War Between the States...This week we will be starting Joseph Wheelan's Bloody Spring: Forty Days that Sealed the Confederacy's Fate.

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/14/23. We got nothing here. Nothing. Back to World War 1990: The Final Storm. We'll be going over the set up again. This is mostly a delaying tactic. Who knows what horrors lurk in the strike preparation chapters. As always, we await those with great fear and trepidation. 

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