Monday, May 22, 2023

Pointless Nostalgia Week Begins

Commenter Unkown has a good idea about the Red Dawn Thingy, 'France can be like a India is today. Has a special relationship with USSR and is socialist but they want they to be their own entity. They like Britain are neutral and have established a strong relationship with China.' Britain and France are more or less neutral. We've got a long way to go with this project and a lot of thinking/outlining to do. For starters what do we call this novel, other than The Red Dawn Thingy?

We'd like to make one thing clear. This isn't a world where the United States is surrounded by enemies and doomed. Yes, the US is at a disadvantage, but not everyone is aligned with the Soviets.  South America is anti-communist. The Pacific is an American lake. China is communist but doesn't like the USSR. India is officially neutral. Don't ask us about the Middle East yet. We don't know. 

Moving on...Okay, this week we're going back through World War 1990: The Final Storm. We'll also be working on World War 1990: Norway, and the Battle of Banak chapter. 

Did a fun factcheck, in which we needed to make sure Lawrence Eagleburger wasn't Jewish. We looked up his grave. There's a cross on the tombstone. So no.

1993 and Me. It would have been 30 years ago, last week probably, that we wrapped up our first year at Wesley College, more or less successfully. We got decent grades, starred in the drama club's production of No Exit, and wrote sports for the Wesley College Whetstone. We pledged a fraternity, Alpha Chi Rho. Go crows! AXP! We've always recalled our last night in Budd Hall, re-reading PJ O'Rourke's Give War a Chance. As we drove the four hours home up Delaware Route-13, onto the New Jersey Turnpike and then the Garden State Parkway to the New York Thruway and across the Tappan Zee Bridge. We looked forward to a summer back home. It's summer 1993 week all week here at Stroock's Books. 

Monday Metal. A friend sent us a link to this Polynesian heavy metal band, Sheppard's Rein. When you think about it, Polynesia is pretty metal. With just a few tweaks Moana could be Metal. Angry volcano god, epic hero...Like warm weather Vikings. Tell me these guys wouldn't like hanging out with Vikings. 

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the Red Dawn thingy.

    You can make the ME somewhat aligned or inclined to support the US. All countries in the ME are concerned about the lack of religious freedom in the communist block countries. Maybe a loose coalition with Turkey, Israel, Iran w/the Shah, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan is the pariah of the region. They appreciate the US view of religious freedom and because the ME and the US are the world's biggest energy supplier's they set the oil price.
