Sunday, May 21, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/21/23

The Stroocks really classed things up last night and got Wendy's for dinner. Mmmmmm....bad for you. 

For no reason whatsoever last night we watched Gone with the Wind, or the first two hours of it, anyway. We kept shaking our head and thinking, 'Them dang Yankees.' A point this blog has made before, people who think GWtW is a love letter to the Antebellum South aren't paying attention. Aside from Rhet and the admirable Ashley, the men are fools. The women are insufferable. GWtW bites harder than people think.

Speaking of doomed nations....We can think of no reason for optimism in America today. See for example New York subway and New York bike theft cases. Also, that stupid limey Tik-Tok challenge where obnoxious teens walk into stranger's homes. Some are saying 'Try that in America, see what happens.' Please. Blow away a home invader in Joe's America, and go to jail. Stay out of New York. Stay out of cities. 

Reminder, as long as the Democrats control the means of counting, they will win. As we said to more than one GOPe friend in 2020, how do you expect to win next time if you won't stop the steal this time? And so it has come to pass. 

They say Bakhmut has been liberated. [You mean Bakhmut has fallen-Ed] Of course. It is important to support the current thing. What next? Time for the vaunted Ukrainian spring offensive. 

We should get off of Twitter and refocus on Gab. I dunno, maybe we should get off Gab too. 

Such a downer. Let's move on to Will's Good Idea for the Week of 5/21/23, the Red Dawn thingy. We've got some basic characters in mind.  

Mexican Dictator, previously mentioned, he's a Mexican Khadafy practicing a bizarre ethno-nationalist Marxism. He hates Americans, and views Mexican Americans as traitors. Mexican troops will commit horrible atrocities.  

Cuban General. Commands a combined airborne/airmobile corps. There's nothing he doesn't know about Grant's Vicksburg campaign. There's a hint for you people. 

American army officer who was in Mexico City when it fell. Jaded and cynical. 

American submarine skipper. More to come, obviously. 

Think the Cubans are invading Florida? Think again. Strategically the communist's central drive is through east Texas, bracketed in the east by a smaller airborne assault on New Orleans, and in the west by a smaller drive on Phoenix. 

We need to think about the naval war implications of a contested Gulf of Mexico. Also, the air war implications. This could be a version of the Battle of Britain. 

1 comment:

  1. I would also have a Alaskan front to destroy the pipeline and is Canda an ally or on the Soviet side
