Monday, June 5, 2023

Men on (Women's) Sports

Good afternoon Stroock's Books Continuum. 

Excellent back-to-back days at the gym over the weekend. 

We've had a decent enough day reading World War 1990: The Final Storm. We've learned much. We're having a fantastic day writing World War 1990: Norway. Things are really coming together here. Sometimes one must lay back and let it happen. The plot will take you where the plot needs you to go. If Norway has coastal gun emplacements, then Soviets will bring along Sverdlov Class gun cruisers. See?

Will's NBA/WNBA wrap: Like almost every other American we take zero interest in women's team sports. But we accidently watched a half of a WNBA game while at the gym. It was on the telly. The lower rung of the arena was mostly full. Not bad. The game was slow and plodding. We will say that number 10 on the Chicago team (whatever their nickname is, we've no idea) sunk half a dozen threes. The woman could shoot. Relatedly, our sports fanatic childhood friend thinks the NBA finals will b a '9 PM' series in which the games start at 8 and by 9 become a blowout. Mrs. Stroock agrees. Exit...reposting our second favorite sports commercial ever:

Phoenix meets the Liberty, we've got the possibility, overtime...overtime. By the way, since it was musical, that WNBAY commercial fulfills this blog's mandated Monday Metal requirement. 

Speaking of women's sports. The Babylon Bee tells us that, 'So the USA's national women's soccer team, the reigning World Cup champs, decided to play in an independent soccer tournament in North Carolina and faced off against Wrexham, a club from Wales owned by Ryan Reynolds with a bunch of older dudes, and it went exactly like you'd expect.' 12 nil. We watched the highlights. We're no soccer expert, but it looked pretty ugly to us. This is why the unspoken rule of boy code is you don't punch girls. At what point did the goalie wonder, 'I think we made a big mistake.'

The great James Lileks posts a then and now postcard of a hotel on New Jersey route-22. This is ten minutes from our house. We wouldn't even know how to begin describing Lileks. Here's his website, enjoy the cultural nostalgia and analyses. Anyway, the hotel is in the part of New Jersey one usually thinks about when one thinks about New Jersey. 

Israel Radar reports that Israeli war plans continue apace: 'The Israeli Air Force is engaged in a relentless effort to boost and expand its massive inventory of munitions. Israel’s defense chiefs believe that a robust stockpile of bombs and missiles is crucial for a full-scale conflict with Iran or a regional war.' Israel Radar goes on to note that the IDF is 'expanding' the target list in Lebanon and putting pilots through a rigorous training program. Meanwhile, Joe is trying to reach some accommodation with Iran because....because Democrats gonna Democrat. 

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