Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Ribbons and Flags

Nikki Haley went on CNN. Tim Scott went on The View. Who is advising these people? Alternate question, can anybody play this game? And they weren't going on these shows to 'own the libs'. Someone told Scott and Haley that this was a great way to reach out to moderate voters and build a constituency within the media. We admit we'd like to see Haley named Secretary of State in a Desantis admin, and Pence to the Defense Department. One can dream. But it's only a dream. So long as the Dems control the means of counting, they will win. 

Via The Times of Israel Iran claims it's developed a hypersonic missile that Israel can't shoot down. We're not convinced, but we're not 100 percent discounting the claim either. Was this an unknown unknown? And why would Iran reveal it has this capability? Deterrence?  Meanwhile every day, every single day, the low-level jihad of stabbing attacks, ramming attacks, and shootings continues. Again, every day one reads of such headlines. Every day. The Color Revolution against Netanyahu and Judicial Reform continues apace. 

What Will's Watching: She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. All the John Wayne/John Ford tricks and tropes are here. It's a little tiring, to be honest. The film is beautifully shot in Monument Valley though, with one stunning vista after another, including a thunderstorm. We liked this one little subplot where a cavalry trooper is killed and buried with full military honors. Turns out he'd been a general in another army:

No wonder Ben Johnson kept referring to 'Them Yankee cavalry'. Turns out he was a captain in the Reb cavalry. 3/4

Below, more flags. 


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