Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Support the Current Thing, no Matter What

They have editors at Time Magazine, don't they? 'Twitter users had a lot to say about a TIME magazine article that claimed the collapse of the Kakhovka dam, a hydroelectric power plant that was destroyed days ago in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, could be Ukraine's Chernobyl.' Three reporters wrote that story. Of course we all make mistakes. Back in our college newspaper days we wrote 'Febuary' in a piece and the editor left it in to be a dick. There are terrible, terrible mistakes of fact in our novels. This post may have a typo in it despite several read throughs and a 'read aloud' tool. 

The jokes at Time's expense write themselves. Ukraine's Chernobyl would be Chernobyl. America's Pearl Harbor would be Pearl Harbor. The jokes are cheap and easy, which are often the most amusing kinds of jokes. September 11th was America's new December 7th. See how that works, writers and editors at Time Magazine?

We admit to being curious about the breakdown in Time's editorial process here. Did a rushed editor change the phrase from 'new Chernobyl'? or something. That still wouldn't explain how multiple editors missed the mistake. Are they all stupid? We note that clicking through to the story now one sees, 'How Ukraine's Dam Collapse Could Have 'Generational' Consequences.'

We cringe in sympathy for Time, and there but for the grace of god go we.  Do note that our sympathy is limited. We're talking about journalists here.  Time Magazine journalists at that. Were one the three authors of the Chernobyl could be Chernobyl piece drowning, we're confident we'd help. Right? 

Staying on the Ukrainian beat, the ZMan has an assessment of the Ukrainian War with which we agree and makes a point we've made here before, 'It is far too early to draw any conclusions about the success or lack of success of this new operation, but it is clear that we are seeing another example of how Western leaders came to believe the narratives they created in the information war. This is an increasing phenomenon where the information production centers of the managerial class create narratives so compelling that the managerial elite confuses these manufactured realities with genuine reality.' We urge reader(s) to click on through

More Russians and Ukes... This is both pathetic and nuts. An author named Elizabeth Gilbert says she's halting the publication of a book that takes place in Russia due to pressure from Ukrainians and Ukrainian activists. Who thinks this makes a difference? Who thinks these things? Must needs we [You found one and fixed it-Ed] even say what we would do if confronted with the same pressure? Imagine if someone told us to take down Israel Strikes and Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea because they didn't like Jews. 

We can't help but notice that Ms. Gilbert's Twitter bio lacks the requisite Ukrainian flag.  If you're going to support The Current Thing, support The Current Thing. By the way, to anyone reading, we'll put your flag in our Twitter bio for the right price. DM us!

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