Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Tucker Carlson Didn't Kill Himself

This blog's traffic surge continues. Who have no idea who, or why. Who are these guys from Singapore?

2003 and Me: Author Cormac McCarthy died yesterday at the age of 89. It was 20 years ago this spring that we read All the Pretty Horses. Reading this book has a direct link to us starting A Line through the Desert.** It's hard to explain why the link exists, why AtPH inspired us. It just did. McCarthy is one of the reason's the language in ALTD is kind of stark and minimal. McCarthy put us in a headspace, for lack of a better term. 

So, we told our retired NBC News-dad* about Time Magazine's epic  Chernobyl headline disaster. We broke his brain. We further thought about Time's editorial breakdown and believe the thinking went something like this, 'Chernobyl was in the Soviet Union and this is in Ukraine....' Look, one can laugh but young people must needs be taught. Back in our professorial days we were stunned by what out college Freshman didn't know. Normal easy stuff, like why southwestern states have Spanish names. Seriously. But that's no excuse for a newsman. Though actual newsmen don't exist anymore. 

We asked an armor guy we know, a man of great experience whose commanded battalions in the field, about the Ukrainian counteroffensive, such as it is. He thinks that while the Ukrainians have taken casualties, they're doing okay and have the momentum. Russian mil-bloggers insist the Ukrainians haven't even reached the Russian's main line of resistance yet. Exit question. This isn't the Uke's main effort, right? It's a feint. It's a ruse, right? Because if this is the big show...It's the only logical explanation. 

Hmmm....we used to know a Pakistani army officer who commanded a tank squadron. Wonder what he'd make of the Elites' war in Ukraine. Let's see if we can track him down. 

Speaking of big shows, we caught Tucker Carlson's third 13 minute monologue on Twitter last night.  Thirty-five plus million views so far. Tucker argues that the campaign against Trump and his supporters is all about the foreign policy establishment's lust for war. We don't agree with everything in that clip, but overall Tucker makes good points. We admit we never thought of Mike Pompeo as a lickspittle. In the show's outro, one hears faded broadcast voices referencing JFK and Jeffrey Epstein. 

We admit to following Foxweiser's suit against Tucker with great interest. This blog assumes the Murdochs' legal counsel knows what it's doing. But this seems like a bad idea to Stroock's Books. Tucker undoubtedly knew Fox would sue him when he started Tucker on Twitter.  Discovery process, anyone? 

*35 + years at NBC Nightly News.

He's right there, back to the camera, left side.

** So did Nick Hornby's High Fidelity.

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