Friday, July 14, 2023

Call him Hank

We awoke this morning to a rolling thunderstorm and for some reason, existential angst. Update! Mrs. Stroock informs us we left our car windows open last night. Why the angst? We've no idea. ♭Here comes the sun, do-do-do-doooo. Here comes the sun and I say, it's all right.♭

Excellent back-to-back workouts, a super cardio session at the gym on Wednesday followed by mowing the lawn and a trip to the pool yesterday. Actually that's four workout days in a row which one can get away with if one isn't doing strength training. 

When did this blog become Will's diary? [I dunno, when did you transition?-Ed]

2003 and Me...kinda: Powerline writes about John Kerry, the Biden Regime's climate whatever. Twenty years ago Kerry was just another low tier Dem in a stadium of low tier Dems and everyone was talking about Wesley Clark (the colossus of Kosovo) and pre-scream Howard Dean. And we were writing the first bits of A Line through the Desert. Back then we thought there was no way Kerry could win the Dem nomination and no way the general election would even be close. We mention this because there's talk of failed governor Gruesome Gavin Newsom replacing the unelected. 'Just look at what Gavin did to California!' conservatives crow. 'Why we'll just point to his record...' We thought that about Barry in 2012 and Joe in 2020. Don't think Newsom can't (and won't win). He can and will, so long as the Dems control the means of counting. 

So the Ruski's pranked Henry Kissinger. What's the word for this...Ironic? Henry Kissinger turned 100 last May. His star has faded somewhat this century, but he was still important enough to chair the 9/11 Commission. He resigned early on over conflicts of interest. Anyway, we were vaguely aware Kissinger was still alive. Here's an interesting article on Kissinger and his 'Jewishness'*, or lack thereof. He's more a German, no? [We remind you that your great grandfather, for whom you are named, flew airplanes for the Kaiser-Ed]

Between the SALT treaty, the Paris Peace Accords, shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East and opening up China, Kissinger has impressive diplomatic credentials. His book Diplomacy was a big deal in the mid-90s. We were assigned his book on the Congress of Vienna when we attended a non-Jesuit university in Washington D.C.** Harold Nicholson's book on same is much better. We know people who consider Kissinger a war-criminal. See also the late Christopher Hitchens. 

Mostly we think of Kissinger, or Hank as we all called him at Wesley College, as an annoying foreign policy grandee. We've written about that type before. The grandees include the execrable Robert Kagan and Tom Friedman, for example. ***These people jet-set, attend fancy conferences, and opine on TV. For the record, we'd kill, just kill, to have TV gigs in which we do seven-minute hits and pretend we know what we're talking about. 'Thanks for having me on, Geraldo.'

*We hate that term. 'How ya doing Maury? I'm feeling really Jewish today. Give me a bagel and a schmeer. Hey, how's your brother in Miami? I hear it's like you died and went to Jew heaven.' Reference. 

**[George Washington, Catholic? Not Howard?] We'll never say. We stuck them with a bunch of parking tickets when we dropped out, bastards. 

***My, aren't we picking on the Jew this morning. [Yes, the Imams would approve-Ed]

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