Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Updates

Due to weather conditions, we'll be heading up to the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction today rather than tomorrow. Wish us luck. We expect to be up there for two weeks. 

We caught snippets of Tucker's interrogation of various GOP presidential hopefuls (not DeSantis).  People are focusing on Asa Hutchinson. Douse yourself in gas and light a match Asa, nobody cares. He wasn't going anywhere, anyway. None of the establishment types impressed. We are particularly disappointed with Tim Scott who seemed a dull dullard. We expect Vivek Ramaswamy's star to rise. 

We wouldn't say we've hit a wall with Spanish, but we're not advancing. Maybe during the trip today we focus on putting some sentences together ourselves. Tengo reserva, la mesa para cinco persona, senior. 

The Things.

Sales are really falling. If we're going to experiment with running ads, this autumn would be a good time to do so. Idea, run an ad with The Great Nuclear War of 1975, World War 1990: Operation Arctic Storm, and Israel Strikes, the first three books of three series. Or we could run ads with all three nuke novels. Or we could do both, each in different markets, one in the US, one in the UK. We must dwell on this. 

In World War 1990: The Final Storm, we wrote a few filler scenes. More progress. July is the month. 

In World War 1990: Norway, we worked all week on the Soviet assault on Tromso. We made much progress with Soviet characters and Soviet characterization, comrades. That said, we are not 100 percent pleased with the pace of the project, we're doing about 3,500 words a week when we feel we could be doing 5-6,000 words a week. We are a harsh task master. [Stop being distracted and wasting time-Ed.] Overall 27,000, words. 

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