Sunday, July 9, 2023

Will's Bad Idea for the Week of 7/9/23

Went for a walk around the block last night came around the corner to see both of our (inside) cats sitting on the front stoop. How they hell did they get the door open? They're clever. We chased them right back inside. 

This is our last day of solitude and we once again conclude it isn't good for us. Not at all. 

We still haven't gotten kicked off of Threads. We're just not trying hard enough. 

So what's going on? Continued protests in Israel (boring). Riots in France (By the way, we figured out yesterday that we're not going to France next summer either. Can you say Paris 2024 Olympics?) The Dutch government has collapsed (good). 

The regime's forever war in Ukraine continues apace, and now they're sending cluster munitions to the Ukes. Everyone's out of ammo, no? Everyone but the Ruskis. Puts on Colonel Hesler voice, 'The war will go on, and on and on.' And then one morning we'll wake up to see both sides have agreed to a ceasefire preparatory to negotiations. 

Joe spent the weekend at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. We know it well, being married to a Delaware girl and having spent many a week there in the 2010's. Wide beaches, long boardwalk with plenty of arcades, shops, and a mini amusement park which the girls have outgrown. 

Okay, we read the epilogue of World War 1990: The Final Storm. The chapter has three scenes, one with Admiral Crowe, one with General Akhromayev, one with the two meeting at the US embassy. A lot of events are described in Crowe's ruminations. Is it enough? We don't really need post Emergency Broadcast System activation riots scenes, do we?

We've been toying with the idea of taking some or all of our books off of Kindle Unlimited. We make more money when people buy an ebook, rather than stream it via KU. We found other authors who've talked publicly about doing the same. They are inundated with comments from readers saying they'd read a lot less if it weren't for KU. Heck, our KU readership expands every year. We're on pace to beat last year's numbers and have only put one book out, so far. In fact, our most read book on KU all time is...The Great Nuclear War of 1975. That's the market. Stand pat. The key to making more money is to expand the readership. How to do that? He asks for the millionth time. 

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