Thursday, October 26, 2023

Israel and the IDF: the ones before the big one

Yes, Joe talked of a so-called two state solution in a speech yesterday. They all talk about a two state solution. Yes, Joe means it. They all mean it. The Times of Israel reports, 'He also said Israel has the right and obligation to respond to the October 7 Hamas onslaught...' Nothing will come of the renewed two state solution talk. There is no two state solution, or any kind of solution to the problem of Gazans and West Bank Persons. Meanwhile Israel Radar reports that American arms shipments to Israel continue apace. Joe has not been great, but he has been good enough.

Netanyahu also talked yesterday. Actually, when word went out Bibi was speaking, we thought, 'Here we go. Bibi is announcing the ground invasion has started.' Actually, Bibi spoke of accepting responsibility and blame for the 10/7 attack.  'Everyone will have to give answers on the debacle — including me...' quite right. There will be time enough for blame and recriminations after the war. Bibi should win the war and then step down. 

The time for the invasion is set. The prepping of the Gaza battlespace continues. Last night the Israelis conducted a large raid into Gaza.  'IDF tanks & infantry struck numerous terrorist cells, infrastructure and anti-tank missile launch posts.' A test of Hamas' defenses? The IDF is executing more raids into Gaza as we write this. The Jerusalem Post has an article about the breadth and depth of Hamas tunnel system. Exit question, if Hamas can tunnel into Israel, why can't Israel tunnel into Gaza? You know what the Imams say. 

An appalling pogrom at New York City's Cooper Union last night. ' A handful of Cooper Union’s Jewish students barricaded inside the university’s library Wednesday when pro-Palestinian protesters blew past security and aggressively pounded on the building’s doors.' What fate awaits the Hamas shock troops at Cooper Union? We shall see. The campaign against Hamas collaborators in the United States continues

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