Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Wrath of the Jew

Happy Halloween, Stroock's Books readers. Somewhere, some moron is going to dress up as a Hamas terrorist. 

Preparations for the Stroock family jaunt to Disney World continue apace. 

Hot Air reports that Israel's message to Hamas is surrender or die. Netanyahu quoted the bible, 'This is a time for war'. When the Israelis get biblical, it's going down. 

Speaking of getting biblical, Breitbart tells us that, 'An Israeli government ministry has drafted a wartime proposal to transfer the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million people to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, drawing condemnation from the [Gazans, West Bank People] and worsening tensions with Cairo.' Good. There's some bellicose talk from Cairo in the report, understandably. The Egyptians don't want any part of Gaza or Gazans. Exit and interesting question: What are Egypt's plans for war with Israel? 

The New York Post reports: 'Around 20 Jewish students from Columbia University and Barnard College spoke Monday to denounce the university’s “inaction against antisemitism” in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack.' Lawyers are seeing dollar signs. 

We saw a 5 PM news report yesterday about the anti-Jewish pogrom at Cornell and elsewhere. The report had only a token quote from CAIR about 'Islamophobia'. Reminder, CAIR is terror adjacent. 

JFC, Hillary Clinton, who tried to give Jerusalem to Yassir Arafat (homosexual, died of AIDS), and hugged Suha Arafat after she blood libeled the Jews, and once referred to a staffer as 'a Jew bastard', supports Israel. 

The Israelis and Jews are winning the PR war in the US.

Israel Radar says, 'Mini-war on Lebanon border is not going well for Hezbollah so far.' Indeed. And those are the casualties to which Hezbollah admits. We've read many reports about Hezbollah units getting pasted before they can even deploy. IR argues, and we agree, that every day the battlespace grows worse for Hezbollah.

Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq continue attacking US forces there. The Houthis in Yemen have launched several attacks on Israel. The Israel Arrow missile system has engaged. What is the purpose of all this? Does Iran wish to expand the war? 

Israel War Room reports the IDF has arrested more than 1100 terrorists in Judea and Samaria since the war began. 

As we write this, the IDF is reporting 'fierce combat' in Gaza and has released some boilerplate footage of Israeli troops therein. 

The campaign against Hamas in the United States continues.

A reader asked where he can find the nuclear war short story we've written. It's not published yet and will be part of the compilation we're working on right now. Tentative title, War Night, and other Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. We think we can write two stories in November and two in December. No, we are not forgetting about the Red Dawn Thingy for next year. But we have not committed to it either. 

We have read the Swedish chapter of World War 1990: Norway. Said chapter is half a dozen scenes and 5,000 words. We show the Swedish PM, a Swedish sub, a Swedish air group commander, and a Swedish fighter squadron, with supporting Soviet/WP scenes. The chapter is okay, or mid, as the kids say. Mid may be good enough. 

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