Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Israelis fight in Gaza, American Jews fight in America

An excellent night chaperoning Youngest Daughter and BFF as they trick or treated around Chindia. We went out for an hour and came back to sort and trade candy. Then we went back out. 'I don't think your mother has to know about this,' we told he crew. We could have done curls with the candy bags. By 8 PM the surely and vaguely menacing teenagers were out. It was time for decent folk to head indoors. We got in about two miles of walking. This is in preparation for a sojourn to Disney World. 

Israel Radar says more than 20,000 Israeli troops are in Gaza. That's a division +. The IDF has stabbed into northeast Gaza, taking the towns of Bayt Hanun and Bayt Jabalya. At the same time the IDF has thrust across the north central strip, cutting off Gaza city. The Israelis say they have done tremendous damage to Hamas. 

General Yaron Finkelman's war message to his men in Israel's Southern command is worth a read/listen. 'This is the Commander, complete your mission, strike the enemy, over and out.' So far, the Israelis have lost 13 dead from the Givati and 7th Armored Brigades. Here is Hine Matov, which means roughly, how wonderful that we brothers are gathered here. 

Operations against terrorists in Judea and Samaria continue apace. 

The Israeli navy has sent ships into the Red Sea. Life imitates Will Stroock. 

The campaign against Hamas in America goes on. The New York Post reports: 'More than 200 faculty members at Columbia University said Tuesday they were “appalled by the spate of antisemitic incidents” on the Manhattan campus, a day after scores of their colleagues signed a letter defending students who supported Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 terror attack.' Indeed the war on Hamas in America (and Yale) continues. 

The movie trailer for American Fiction, a film about a black author trying to write a 'black' novel for white publishers, is hilarious. The rough Jewish equivalent of this is Jews always being portrayed as whiney, Woody Allen types, 'Oy....look at how Jewy I am, gentile!' We delt with the issue of American 'Jewishness' in A Line through the Desert. At 18 Jake Bloom is a big, weightlifting kid who gets bad grades, isn't all that smart, doesn't want to go to college, and is prone to fighting. Howard Wolowitz he ain't.

American fiction, at least the trailer, has a lot to say about authors and publishing houses. Preach on. Publishers are looking for writers who will write the book they want writers to write. Publishers aren't really interested in your book. Publishers are interested in their book. At best they'll take your book and turn it into theirs. This is why we will never, ever go trad, not without a big payout. They're paying us not just for our book and future time, but for time past, the time we took to get to this point. We have a number in mind. We're not telling them what the number is. They have to figure it out. Oh, and we don't take checks. 

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