Thursday, October 19, 2023

USA and Israel Blinkin'?

We watched Biden's speech yesterday. Maybe it's because we were  reading the closed caption on the TV at the gym, but we came away with only a few quibbles and no major complaints. We await Biden's Oval Office speech tonight. We await with trepidation. For as Barry Soetoro once said, 'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.' Joe promised billions in military aid and gave Israel conservable moral support. 

Joe will be the last Democrat president to support Israel in this way. In truth the party has been drifting away from Israel for decades. The Clintons tried to give Jerusalem to Yassir Arafat (homosexual, died of AIDS) and Barry was downright hostile to the Jewish State. The heart and soul of the young party lies with Hamas-symps Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib. At least they're finally walking back their Gaza hospital lie, and blaming media reports for their blood libel of the Jews. If the GOP ever elects a speaker, and to be honest this blog doesn't care if it does, he should move to expel these vile Jew haters.

Via Ace, The American Thinker reports that the meeting between Secretary of State Blinken and Prime Minister Netanyahu was quite contentious, with Blinken demanding Palestinian aid in exchange for weapons. We dunno, this seems like pretty normal diplomatic wrangling to us and why wouldn't you let food, water and the like through to Gaza?  Sorry, we lived through Madeline Albright et al calling for Israeli restraint, having Arafat to the White House etc etc. Neither Joe, nor the State Department have been acting like that. 

Israel Radar assesses the military situation on the ground in Gaza and is optimistic. On Twitter they also talked about Israeli long term plans for the strip. These include occupying the Northern Gaza strip and building an enhanced, fortified wall on Gaza territory. Anyway, click the links. Meanwhile the campaign to take out Hamas leadership continues apace, reports The Times of Israel. Here at home, a Miami dentist has been shit-canned for tearing down Israeli hostage flyers. 

Moving on to a question this blog has asked many times, overthrow Hamas, then what? Well, that's where we are now, isn't it. Once Israel overthrows Hamas, to whom do they give Gaza? The Egyptians don't want it. The UN would let Hamas right back in. Reminder, there are thousands of UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon. Please. The EU? They'd have to be nuts. Longterm Israeli occupation would be a disaster. Gaza would turn into Baghdad on the Mediterranean. The most obvious solution to the Gaza problem is Mahmud Abbas' Palestinian Authority. But would Gazans accept PA rule? And does the PA even want Gaza?  

1 comment:

  1. Turn it into a parking lot and let the people there wonder the desert for 40 years
