Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 23/23

A good Thanksgiving morn to Stroock's Books American reader(s). Screw you, Canada. We're at our father's preparatory to heading down to our sister's for lunch. Also, W...K...R...P!

There will be no ceremonial cemetery visit today. Another time. It's not like people can leave. This ain't no zombie apocalypse. Yet.

As we write this Mrs. Stroock is chopping up potatoes in our late mother's kitchen. 

Having read WIlliam Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, and the description of the First Thanksgiving, it's perfectly obvious what happened. The Pilgrims began their feast, the Indians heard a commotion and investigated. Having knocked a few back already, the Pilgrims saw the Indians and said, 'Come join us, guys!'

There's a delay in the Gaza ceasefire. Our thoughts (and emotions) on this are decidedly mixed. So far, the Israelis seem okay with the delay. You know, when the ceasefire is over, and Gaza is a smoldering ruin (Baruch Hashem) and IDF soldiers are tanning on Gaza beaches, the Israelis can just re-arrest all the prisoners they released. 

Netanyahu has said the ceasefire won't apply to Lebanon. Good. Israeli language about Hezbollah and Lebanon is getting more bellicose. Someone planted a story in The Times of Israel this morning about Israeli officers being frustrated with the Lebanon situation. Exit question, are the Israelis laying the groundwork for an assault on Hezbollah during the Gaza ceasefire?

Our Swords of Iron T-shirt is in the mail. 

We dwelled on War Night story ideas during our trek across the Hudson River. Sadly we had little inspiration. We're beginning to wonder if this is a bad hole to dig. 

Here's an article we wrote for the Ruskis two years ago, Thanksgiving: Past and Woke. This article is a master class on how to get 800 words out of something everyone already knows about. Well, not the Ruskis, commie bastards. Note how lead sentences lead to an entire paragraph, and one paragraph leads into another. We are among the best there is at what we do.

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