Monday, December 11, 2023

Cold on a Monday !@#$

Stupid cold. Maybe it's the plague. Who knows? In the late 90s we hit upon a cure for the cold. Take a glass of seltzer. Squeeze half a lemon and half a lime into it. Then ground up a pair of Aspirin. Drink that and chug a pint of Guiness. It worked. 

As we expected, the Cowboys defeated the Eagles rather handily. Somehow the hapless Jets scored 30 points in the second half of their game against the Texans yesterday. That's football, Susan. 

The excellent Real Life Lore channel has a long video on the situation in the Middle East and this blog urges reader(s) to click on through and watch it. Very illuminating. 

The Israelis keep beating the Hezbollah war drums. The Times of Israel reports, 'National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi indicated on Saturday night that once Hamas is defeated in Gaza, Israel may have to go to war against Hezbollah across the northern border in Lebanon.' If Israel cannot coexist with Hamas, then it cannot coexist with Hezbollah. The logic is unassailable. Stroock's Books does not predict the Israelis will start a war. But don't think the Israelis will fear international backlash if they feel they have to start a war against Hezbollah. That war would/will be so much worse than this war. Exit question, what is the status of Iron Beam?

Monday not Metal. The Rolling Stones' swan song, Don't get Angry with Me. For that matter this may be rock & roll's swan song. It's like they were sitting on this song for 40 years, or something. A nice simple riff with a simple but searing guitar solo. We're all distracted by Sydney Sweeney luxuriating in a convertible of course. But do take note of the archival footage presented as live billboards. Well done, because we didn't need a fresh video of 80 year old rockers. For younger reader(s) all those clips are iconic, part of the day-to-day visual vocabulary of the Rolling Stones. We find it jarring that the stuff we consider 'new' is like 30 years old.  

Will's Good Idea of the Week of 12/11/23 (Supplemental): Mrs. Stroock will be taking the Stroocklettes to visit relatives in Indiana over Christmas. During this time, we should read through and wrap up World War 1990: Norway

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