Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The First Day After Boxing Day

We've been on Gab for eight years now. Every once in a while we run into some troll who thinks he's being edgy by trying to Jew bait us.  As we've noted several times, the Juden hass thing has been done better by greater men. We also replied, 'I've been on Gab for 8 years, Newbie [he's been on Gab for a month]. And the hilarious thing you're not getting is there's been a Jewish home here the whole time. Edgy? You're an anon pussy. My guess is that your latest stepdad is a Jew.' This exchange went on for some time, in which we corrected the annon's grammar. Sadly, we don't think he understood the multi-syllabic words we used. 

After Israel assassinated an Iranian commander in Syria, Iran threatens retaliation. It is said thousands of Iranian troops are in Syria. War in the north may not be desirable but may be necessary.  Surely some kind of action on the Golan front also means action in Lebanon. Say it with us, now: Hezbollah, Bibi. Right now the goal seems to be to 'push Hezbollah away from the border'. Which means north of the Litani River. Napoleon might say, if you're going to war with Hezbollah, go to war with Hezbollah. In for a penny in for a pound? Or is securing South Lebanon enough?

Critics of the Hamas war point out that Israel is losing international support and becoming a pariah. This is true except in the one place that counts, the Middle East. Reminder, the Arabs' dirty little secret is that they hate the Gazans and West Bank Persons more than the Israelis. Exit question: when have the Jews ever enjoyed the support of the world?

Our grognard asked about World War 1990: The Managua Front. Yeah, TMF would show the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters (a bit of 80's political rhetoric for you, you had to be there) advancing south against the Sandinistas. We'd return to the Cuba insurgency led by that smart, polite, good looking young officer, Flavio (one of our favorite characters ever). And we'd wrap up the tale of Granma and Captain Caridad. 

Remember something about the post TFS novels. These will form a coherent narrative running through 1991 and 1992, culminating with the election of 1992. That election will probably be Gore vs Quayle with Pat Buchanan making an enormous nuisance of himself. 

We read through the Lyngen Fjord chapter in World War 1990: Norway yesterday and came away pleased. We shall press on today. Our next readthrough will be of a paper print out. And look at us, just finished another chapter. The Battle of Tromso awaits. Things are going great; gotta wear shades. [You know that song is ironic, right?-Ed] I do, I do. 

Now this is interesting. We had the commander of the Saratoga battlegroup say, 'The Backfire threat is considered severe.' Those are not our words. They come from a Harpoon briefing scenario. Did we just pull a Claudine Gay or is the sentence just that obvious? 

Sales of World War 1990: The Final Storm continue to gain momentum. TFS has two ratings, a 4 and a 5, so far.  

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